Chapter 72 | "finally"

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"So what's up?" Jihyun asked as the two strolled down their usual path through the garden. She was smiling up at him, clutching onto his arm as he led her to the bench.

"I uh....well it's um... I- hmmm." Jaemin stumbled over his words as the two took a seat.

"Deep breath ok? It's just me." She said with a light laugh, noticing his nerves. "You can tell me anything." He nods his head, letting out a sigh before grasping her hands in his and turning to look at her.

"Jang Jihyun."

"Na Jaemin."

"I have something I need to tell you."

He took a deep breath, looking into her curious eyes with a nervous smile.

"Jihyun, you and I have been through a lot together. While it hasn't always been good and happy, at the end of the day, you've been there for me in a way that no one else ever has." He looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes.

"From the first day I met you, I knew there was more to you than you let on. I'm so grateful that you decided to take a chance on some random trainee and let me in. You're truly my best friend."

He paused for a moment, noticing the smile on her face as she waited for him to continue, giving him courage.

"Ji, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, on the outside and inside. I've been too scared to say anything for the longest time, but Ji....I like you. A lot. And I want to be more than just friends."

He looked down, unable to hold her gaze as his nerves returned. He pulled his hands away from hers and began anxiously playing with his own fingers.

"But I understand if you don't feel the same and I would never want to make you uncomfortable in any way I just-"

"Hey." She cut him off with a small laugh, causing him to look up at her. "Calm down." He nods, taking a deep breath.

"Jaemin. I don't think there's anyone in my life who's impacted me the way you have. You showed me what it meant to have a friend, to truly trust someone, to let down my walls." He slowly lifted his gaze to look at her.

"You've saved me not only from my enemies but also from myself. You've been the rock thats gotten me through some of the toughest times in my life, and despite all of my baggage, you've never left my side.
You make me forget about all of my past. You make me laugh and smile like no one else. You've made me human." She reaches out to grasp his hands, her voice dropping to a small whisper.

"How can I not like you back?"


"I like you too, Na Jaemin. I like you a lot."

Jaemin's whole face broke into a huge smile.

"Wait so does that mean....wait." He got up from the bench, turning to stand in front of her.

"Jang Jihyun, will you be my girlfriend?" He said, holding out his hand with a grin.

"Of course I will." She replied happily, grabbing his hand and standing.

He instantly pulled her into a hug, picking her up and spinning her around as the pair laughed in pure joy.

"It's getting late, we should go inside." Jaemin said, putting her down.

"Let's go watch movies in my room, we'll tell the others tomorrow." She said, clasping hands with him and clinging onto his arm as they walked back towards the house.

Back in Ten's office, he and Taeyong sat together with huge smiles on their faces as they watched and listened to the security cams in the garden.

"He finally confessed, huh." Ten sighed happily.

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