Chapter 29 | "I didn't ask you"

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Jeno and Jihyun continued their training for the following weeks, being joined everyday by Sungchan, Mark, and Donghyuck. Jeno began to grow close with the three boys, all of them becoming comfortable around one another.

"Wow look at them."

"They look so good together"

"I'm jealous, I want to be best friends with Jihyun too"

"Please, I would kill to be around Jeno all the time."

Jaemin rolled his eyes after shoving his books into his locker. The students filled the hallways with excited whispers as Jihyun walked by with Jeno at her side. The two were rarely seen without one another, and the whole school took note of it. Most of the students stared in awe at the legendary Jihyun and her new ace trainee.

"Don't worry, Jaemin, remember what Jihyun said last time." Jisung says closing his locker and turning to the older boy. "She won't forget about us."

"It's been weeks, and she hasn't said more than maybe three words to us. Seems like we're already forgotten." Jaemin trails off as the two make their way to the cafeteria.

They take their seats at their usual table, Renjun and Chenle already seated. They notice Jaemin's strange mood, staring questioningly at Jisung. He just rolls his eyes in response, mouthing Jihyun's name as the other two nod in realization.

"Relax Jaemin, she's going to ask us to join her team as long as we do well, she's just waiting for the right time." Renjun says, putting down his fork to stare at the angry boy.

"Yeah man, chill. She won't forget about us" Chenle says as he lightly nudges Jaemin to snap him out of his trance. "Plus, it's not like they're dating so you can stop being so jealous." Jaemin stiffens up at Chenle's words.

"Why would I care if they're dating?" Jaemin mumbles out. The other three remain silent, exchanging knowing looks with one another.

Soon the cafeteria doors open and the students begin to whisper. Hearing the commotion, the four boys turn to look at the entrance.

Jaemin's eyes light up as he sees Jihyun standing there. His shoulders droop a bit as he notices Jeno right beside her, but he's glad to see them nonetheless.

He raises his hand to wave at them, signaling for them to come and join them. He stares at them expectantly, waiting for them to walk over. Jeno makes brief eye contact with Jaemin before whispering something in Jihyun's ear.

She smiles at him and nods. The two walk in, Jeno putting an arm over her shoulders. Much to Jaemin's surprise, they don't come and join them. Instead, they go sit at a different table and begin to talk animatedly with one another.

"I guess they aren't going to join us today..." Jisung trails off dejectedly.

"Maybe they need to discuss something private or maybe they're waiting for someone." Chenle suggests, trying to defuse the situation but to no avail.

Jaemin sits in his seat fuming, jealousy seemingly radiating off of him as he cannot tear his eyes away from the pair. He watches how close the two are, Jeno often nudging her or Jihyun resting a hand on his shoulder as they joke around. He feels a pain in his chest as he watches Jeno make her smile. He feels his heart breaking as he watches her replace him.

The doors open again, forcing Jaemin to break his stare. He sees three members of NCT, who he recognizes to be Mark, Donghyuck, and Jihyun's renowned ace Sungchan.

He watches as the three of them approach Jihyun and Jeno's table. He stares in shock as Jeno gets up and greets them, bro hugging all of them as they sit down.

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