Chapter 4 | "hidden killers"

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"So where you off to?" Jihyun walks down the hallway, students scattering to make a path as Jaehyun matches her strides.

"I don't know Jae, I'll probably go and observe in Chan's- woah!" she's cut off as a student trips across the hall in front of her, narrowly avoiding a collision.

"Watch where you're going, kid." She glares at the boy, who's now turning pale in terror, his back pressed against the lockers behind him.

"I-I'm s-so sorry!" he blurts out, bowing at her with his eyes trained on the ground.

"What's your name?"

"J-Jisung, P-park Jisung, ma'am." He stutters out, briefly looking up and meeting her eyes before staring at the ground again.

"Well, Jisung, watch your step. Wouldn't want you to face the same fate as Woojin now, would we?" She growls lowly, no warmth in her voice, causing the boy to quickly look up and nod at her.

"lets go Jae, these kids have to get to class." She loudly barks out the last few words, causing the students to scatter as she continues walking, shooting a glare at Jisung.

"So, what was I saying about observing?"

"Damn Ji, you really took 'mafia mode' seriously with that kid, huh?"

"They've got to know not to fuck with us and watch their steps."

"I think we've scared them enough today" He sends her a small smile as they walk side by side. "Plus, I don't think we'll have to worry about that kid disrespecting us, he was practically speechless" Jaehyun lets out a breathy laugh, throwing an arm around her shoulders.

"But then again, I tend to have that effect on people" He runs his fingers through his hair, shooting Jihyun a quick wink.

"In your dreams" she shoves his side as he makes a hurt expressing, clutching his heart in pain before letting out a laugh. He wraps his arm around her once again as they continue down the hallway.

The pair finally reaches Chan's classroom, turning to walk in, only to bump into Taeyong walking out. He widens his eyes at the pair, noticing Jaehyun unconsciously tighten his around the girl's shoulders, Taeyong then cocking an eyebrow at him.

"What are you two doing?"

"I wanted to come and observe Chan's class for today, and Jaehyun was just coming with me."

"Oh, well I've already been here to observe, so, sorry Jaehyun, I think you're going to have to find another class. You know the rules, only 2 in a room." Jaehyun lets out a huff before Taeyong pulls her into the classroom and shuts the door, a mischievous smirk on his face.

Jaehyun turns around, forcing out a deep breath and shaking off the strange feeling in his chest as he heads off to go and find Sungjin's class instead.

- - -

"Welcome to your first class, trainees. My name is Chan." He fixes the students with an icy gaze, letting his eyes wander to the corner where Jihyun and Taeyong were sitting, concealed in the darkness.

"I'm the leader of Stray Kids, and I'll be your weapons combat teacher. We'll start easy, knife throwing." With that he walks over to a case on his desk, picking up two different blades before pushing a button. Targets drop from the ceiling, lining up next to the wall at the front.

Chan begins to lecture about throwing styles, knife types, etc.

"I'm bored."

"I know Tae"

"I'm hungry"

"I know Tae"

Soon Chan reaches the end of his lecture, asking for questions. One student raises his hand.

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