Chapter 15 | "I'm ok"

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The next morning, Jihyun woke up, wrapped in Taeyong's arms. She slowly sat up, untangling herself from the boy, stretching her arms and rubbing her eyes. She turned to look down at him only to see that he'd woken up.

"Morning, Jihyun. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I think so. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did, it was really immature of me to assume he could speak for all of you..." she trailed off, closing her eyes as she tried to suppress the memories from yesterday. Taeyong sat up, taking her hands in his own.

"Boys are idiots. Don't listen to that asshole, he's just jealous."

"Jealous?" She stared at him in genuine confusion causing Taeyong to smile and shake his head. He was mad at Jaehyun but that was a conversation that had to happen between the two of them.

"But thank you, Taeyong. I'm going to be ok. I'll just avoid Jae for a bit until I'm ready." He smiled at her, nodding his head in agreement.

"Do you want to go downstairs? I'm sure they're all waiting for you, plus, we all want to hear about your new friend." He stands up, extending his hand to her. She takes it with a smile, the two going to get ready before making their way downstairs.

They walk into the main room, seeing 16 pairs of eyes turn to the girl. She straightens her posture, quickly scanning the room, searching for one person.

"He's not here. He left early this morning." Taeyong bends down to whisper in her ear, observing her actions. She lets out a sigh, a small smile on her face before taking her seat at the head of the table, next to Taeyong and Mark.

The whole room is silent. None of the members knowing what to say to her. She lets out a sigh before speaking.

"I'm ok" with those two words, all the members let out a sigh, their shoulders relaxing and small smiles on their faces.

"I'm sure you all know what happened by now, and I want to say that I know he was just mad. He said the first thing that came to his head and I know it doesn't apply to all of you." She looked from member to member, smiling at them one by one.

"But I did want to say that, first of all, if any of you are scared of me like that, I'm truly sorry. I want all of you to feel comfortable, but if you're only acting here, you may leave. No repercussions and I will reassign you to a different unit." She looks around the room, none of the boys moving an inch.

"Ji" Mark starts, grabbing her hand. "None of us are going anywhere. This is our family, including you." He smiles at her, nothing but warmth in his gaze as she nods back to him.

"I know all of you are worried that I'll go back to the mafia girl, but I said I was going to try. And i meant it. No more walls, especially with you guys." The boys all let out a relieved sigh, finally feeling relaxed enough to start to eat their breakfast. They start branching into smaller conversations, slowly finishing the food in front of them, when Lucas decides to speak up from the other end of the table.

"So Ji," She stops eating, raising her head to look at him as other conversations around the table come to a halt. "I hear you finally made a friend?" She smiles and nods enthusiastically. "Why don't you tell us about it?"

"Well, his name is Jaemin, and he-"

"He? Ooh so its a boy~" Ten coos out, teasing the girl while raising his eyebrows at her. Her face starts to heat up as she diverts her eyes to her plate.

"Shut up" she lets out an embarrassed mumble, causing the room to break out into giggles.

"Does our baby Jihyun have a crushie?" Donghyuck mocks, making kissy faces towards her.

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