Chapter 3 | "please enjoy the show"

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"Ten, gather the students in the gym. YangYang, Xiaojun, set up the combat arena." She flicks her wrist to the boys behind her as they go do their assigned task, Johnny and Doyoung going to stand next to Woojin as they head to the gym.

Soon enough all the students are there, sitting in the
stands as a platform floor raises, creating a small fighting ring. The protective walls drop, blocking off the stands from the rest of the gym floor. The other members of the mafia stand on the floor between the platform and the protective wall, up close to the action. After taking off her jacket and removing all her weapons, Jihyun steps up and takes her place, Woojin being shoved on by Johnny on the opposite side.

With a snap of her fingers, Mark hops up next to her opening a small case containing 5 different combat knives. "Choose two, I'll fight unarmed." She says. Woojin hesitated, glancing between the case and the girl.

"don't be an idiot." Mark growled at him, pushing the case forward. Woojin stared at him before deciding to accept the offer, choosing the two largest knives and stepping back. Mark hoped off the platform as Jihyun turned to address the crowd.

"Hello students, I know you probably weren't expecting this, but Woojin here had some things to say about me back in the auditorium." She turns to him, an emotionless smirk pulling at the corners of her lips.

"If I recall correctly, it was that I'm nothing but a stuck up bitch? yes thats it. A weak princess who was born lucky." She sneers at the boy, mocking his words as a collective gasp echos from the crowd.

"So I figured, why not a little exhibition on to start off the school year." She locks eyes with the much bigger boy.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please enjoy the show."

With that Woojin charges at her, running full force with the knives raised. She side-steps, her foot striking him in the stomach and her elbow slamming into his back as he hits the ground. She lifts her hand, staring idly at her nails in the middle of the platform as Woojin prepares another attack.

He charges her with less speed and more intention while swinging the knifes wildly. She reacts quick, keeping her eyes lazily on her nails as she doges his swing yet again, landing a punch to his throat before sliding away. Yawning dramatically, she looks at him with bored eyes.

"C'mon, warm up time is over." She mocks, his blood boiling as he approaches her once again. He strikes out with his leg this time, trying to catch her off guard and he kicks at her side.

She quickly catches his boot with one hand, painfully twisting his leg and throwing him off balance. Suddenly yanking him close to her, she kicks the knife out of his hand before shoving him away and catching the knife that he was once holding. She twirls the it between her hands, running her finger along the blade.

"Pity, you lost a knife." She says with a smirk, tossing it off the platform over to Doyoung who catches it and puts it back in Mark's case. "But don't worry, you still have another one"

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, he runs at her again, swinging for her head with his fist, knife pointing straight at her stomach. She drops to the ground, making him miss her entirely, and striking out with her leg as he stumbles past, landing a blow straight to his back. He falls to the ground, dropping his second knife as it slides off the side of the platform to be caught by Lucas.

"Oh well, that's a shame." Jihyun looks around the stadium, facing away from the winded boy, making eye contact with Taeyong who sends her a smirk. Woojin gets up and starts to stalk towards her, still facing away from him.

She doesn't break her gaze with Taeyong, instead sending him a wink as feels the boy right behind her. He goes to grab at her head but she quickly turns, punching him in the face, then throat, and ending with a kick to the stomach that sends him flying to the other end of the platform. Enraged, he stands up and shakes himself off.

"Jihyun" She turns to Johnny, "c'mon now lets wrap this up, kids have to get to class." He looks at her with a knowing smirk, sending a wink her way.

"well, this is getting boring anyways." She says lightly before turning back to Woojin with a new glint in her eyes.

He runs at her again, throwing all his weight forward as he lunges. She grabs hold of his outstretched arms, sliding under him and flipping him straight onto the ground and digging the heel of her boot into his neck before releasing him. He struggles to regain his breath, standing once again.

"alright, enough playing around." she growls out, her whole aura darkening as a wild look gleams in her eyes. She runs at him, sending him flying backwards with a punch to the face. Approaching him, she elbows him in the nose with a loud crack and punching him in the gut. He doubles over as she slides her hands around his head. Smiling, she lets out a breathy whisper.

"lights out"

A horrifying crack echos around the stadium as she snaps his neck, instantly killing him. His body flops to the ground, blood spilling out of his nose causing students to recoil while they stare at their classmate's lifeless body. She sighs, walking away from the dead boy.

"Maybe I've been far too nice to you. Don't you wonder why such a small, young, unassuming girl is the head of a mafia? Don't you wonder why these intimidating skilled soldiers around me obey my every word?" She gestures to the boys standing around the arena.

"Yes, I may be the heiress to this mafia, but I'm no spoiled brat. I made my first solo kill at age 11. I killed two men on that first mission, slit one's throat and snapped the other's neck. I've taken out more men than any other mafia member in the world. Believe me when I say that theres a reason I'm the most feared criminal in Korea."

She hops off the platform before hearing Johnny bark at the students to get to class. The students file out and the gang leaders head to their classrooms, while shooing her some proud glances. Her members walk up to her, smiles on their faces.

"Nicely done, sis" Johnny says, fist bumping her.

"I want to kill someone next."

"Shut up, Lucas"

Jihyun smirks at Sicheng and Lucas' bickering as they make their way towards the exit.

"Quite the show, Ji" Taeyong nudges her lightly "He's lucky he fought you and not me, I don't know if I would've been able to hold back." He steps away from her, cracking his knuckles.

"That fucker deserved a much more painful death" Jaehyun wraps his arms around Jihyun from behind, resting his chin on the top of her head.

"It's alright, I think the embarrassment was a good way for him to go. Plus, we can't have too much blood on the first day, that combat mat is brand new." Jihyun lets out a small huff and releases herself from Jaehyun as they leave the gym.

"Ooh yes Ji, you're a bad bitch, you did that!"

"Shut up Donghyuck."

In case this isn't clear, this will be an OT23 story, the 5 dream-only members will come into the story soon!
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