Chapter 26 | "aren't you lucky"

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Jeno stopped in front of the red door, excitement coursing through his veins. He held his wrist out under the small machine on the wall before hearing a beeping noise. He reached his hand out and opened the door, walking in.

He stepped in and was awestruck. It was a massive room, much larger than the small dorms they had. There was a set of fluffy couches in the middle of the room facing a giant TV. He ran his fingers along the soft leather as he continued walking. In the same room was a ornate looking table and chairs made out of dark wood.

He reached the other end of the room where there was a set of sliding doors. He pushed the button on the wall and they slid open, revealing his bedroom.

There was a huge king bed in the middle of the room. He couldnt resist the urge and ran and flopped down on it, it felt like he just laid down on million clouds. He sat up and looked around. The was a desk in the corner, some small standing cabinet thing, and then two doors.

He opened up the cabinet. It looked as though it must be for holding weapons based on the different types of racks inside, but for the time being it was empty.

He walked over to the first door and peeked his head in to reveal the modern bathroom. It was huge and had a nice shower at the far end.

He backed out and turned to open the other door which ended up being his walk-in closet. He marveled at all the new clothes he had been given.

In their dorms, the only clothes they had consisted of black jeans, sweatpants, or shorts and different types of plain black tshirts, plus one varsity jacket. But here he saw a wide array of clothes.

He had multiple jackets, a mix of varsity jackets, leather jackets, suit jackets, etc. He had a mix of different shirts from plain and simple to dress shirts. He also had a much wider array of pants and shoes. All were pretty much either black or white.

He turned to open the last cabinet, curious about what else could be inside. He pressed the button on the front and the cabinet doors flew open. Inside was his specialized uniforms.

There's were multiple things inside. A few tight black suits made out of some fancy material. Some different right shirts and slim pants. There was an array of harnesses and holsters as well. He stared at all the new things in his closet, deciding to get changed.

He changed into a pair of black ripped jeans, a white tshirt, and a leather jacket. Running his hands through his hair quickly, he then left the room and went to go find Jihyun.

"Well I see you found the closet." She says, looking up from her spot upon hearing his footsteps.

"Yeah, it's a nice change from the same clothes I always wear. I hope it's ok that I changed." He says shyly.

"Yeah of look good" she feels her cheeks burn red as they both break eye contact with one another.

"I'm sure you found the weapons rack right? We'll work on getting you fitted for some weapons next week." He nods his head excitedly.

"I get my own weapons?" She nods her head.

"For now, yes."

"Woah...that's so cool." He breathes out, his eyes going wide. She lets out a small laugh before beckoning him to the exit. The two of the walk out together and head to the cafeteria as lunch time had just started.

Upon arrival, all heads turn in their direction. She gives Jeno a smile before turning to go and sit with the rest of her council at the table in the corner. He returns the smile and walks to sit with his friends.

"Someone got some new clothes" Renjun says, looking him up and down.

"Yeah, it from my new room."

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