Daminette- Until it isn't.

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Marinette hums, walking down an empty street in the direction of her apartment. The twenty four year old is in sweatpants and a camisole, her boyfriends sweater swallowing the majority of her petite frame. The bluenette's pail porcelain skin stands out against the black of her pants and dark gray of the sweater, her bright pink sandals making the 'flip-flop' noise as she walks.

Her arms are full. In typical Marinette fashion, she gets an idea at the most inconvenient of times. After sketching the design she still couldn't wait until morning to start.

Marinette isn't one to make up in the middle of the night and was confused to see that her boyfriend wasn't in bed next to her but quickly found the note saying there was an emergency at the hospital. She's so proud of Damian, they'd met in their late teens and quickly formed an unlikely friendship- until it became something more, and now she's hopefully soon to be engaged to one of the top doctors on the eastern seaboard.

Of course, the wide-eyed Parisian isn't just some housewife, she's plenty busy building her already well-known brand from the ground up.

The bluenette is passing by some brick building, a classic fire escape along the side and a trash littered alley are notable features. Marinette checks to make sure no one is there, Damian's incessant preparing for the worst kicking in. The cool breeze hits Marinette's exposed neck as she passes the alley, she hunkers into her oversized hoodie before turning around- she can almost feel someone's stare.

No one's there.

When she looks back a few minutes later, Marinette sees a man starring at her, he's just standing there, starring. Noticing the warning signs, Marinette picks up the pace. As she moves to make a right someone is standing in her way- starring just like the other man that now looks closer than before.

Marinette does a quick 180, continuing to head north instead of turning- there's someone at the next intersection.

There are, at Marinette's latest count, two men behind her, one to her left, another to her right, and another in front. The girl now deeply regrets forgetting to bring the pepper spray her boyfriend makes sure she takes everywhere. The bluenette looks between all the men and notices another two in the alley across from her.

She's been herded.

The men all take a step closer, Marinette racks her mind for something to do- yelling might get help but it could also make them more aggressive and there's no way she'll be able to get her phone and call for help without them noticing.

One of the guy's in the ally between the two buildings looks nervous, the other steps into the light of a streetlamp, he has a crooked nose- like it's been broken, and an even more crooked smile. His eyes were not over-eager or impatient, he knows what he's doing. The crooked looking man makes a motion and all the men got closer, they walk until they form a semi-circle around Marinette- making her back-up towards the alley behind her.

In anticipation some men unbuckle their belts, Marinette feels the bile rise in her throat before taking another step back. At this point, the Parisian is at the opening of the alley and can't see any options except to try and fight back against the men- it's her only shot.

"Now, now, don't get any stupid ideas, beautiful, we ain't doing anything you didn't ask for." Marinette's eyes go to the man that spoke, she recognizes him from the gas station she passed on the way to the fabric store- they followed her. How had she not noticed?

Knowing her window of opportunity is closing, Marinette rushes the closest man- using the heel of her palm to try and break the man's nose. Damian would have been proud of the crunching sound Marinette hears when her hand makes contact with the man's face.

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