Timinette- De-Aged Pt. 3

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Tim felt like every muscle in his body had been put through a meat grinder, his head foggy. What happened?

Then, it all came rushing back. The rune. They were studying it when someone bumped the table. Three days of running around as a four year old with Marinette, the aquarium, everything embarrassing he did was just there for him. Tim blushed like- well, like Marinette. He was an idiot, she must have been so worried, and he was so clingy! It seemed like he couldn't go an hour without seeing the Parisian.

Marinette stirred from behind him, nuzzling closer before lifting her head drowsily.

"Tim? TIM!" The short bluenette attacked her now fully grown boyfriend, he hugged back despite every muscle in his body begging him to stop. Who cared about being sore when Marinette wanted a hug?

"Do you have any idea how worried I was? Don't you ever do anything that stupid ever again!" Marinette was sitting on Tim's torso as she scolded him.

"Do you have any idea how awful it was? Getting that call from your father? What if something had really happened? If something happened to you? Something the wouldn't go away? The couldn't be fixed? I don't even know what- If you were g-" Marinette stopped short as she hugged Tim again.

"I know, I'm sorry." Marinette pulled back and looked at Tim like he was the reason she was still breathing, the only reason her heart kept beating. It hurt the man to see the love of his life look so worried, he pulled Marinette into another hug. Maybe his four year old self didn't ruin his even older relationship with Marinette.

"Marinette?" The woman pulled back, listening.

"I love you." The bluenette beamed, just like when he'd first said it. Her reaction to those three words never got old. Unshed tears of worry and relief in her eyes as she kissed him. Marinette was relentless, neither dared pull away despite their lungs begging for air. Her right hand had tangled in his now longer hair, the left stroking the stubble along his sharp jawline. Tim's hand went to her waist as he breathed in the smell of her. Marinette smelled like toasted flour and strawberry shampoo, he loved the smell of her shampoo. One of Tim's hands went to the girl's head, releasing more of the intoxicatingly sweet scent as their kiss deepened.

Tim flipped their position, it was his turn.

The man didn't leave much to debate as he greedily kissed Marinette sensless, her hand on the back of his neck to keep him close. When Tim pulled away Marinette's head followed, it always did.

"You were a cute kid." Tim just blushed as he hid his head in the crook of her neck.

"Please, not a word."

"What? No. We got engaged, I was the happiest bride to be." Marinette teased, it took everything in Tim not to tense. "I don't know how much you remember-"

"Too much."

"-But if we're engaged you're going to have to meet my parents."

"I've been meaning to ask."

"Yeah well now you're going to have to deal with my parents and they're... eager." Tim huffed, he heard the stories of how over excited they could get.

"Well, how am I supposed to propose without your father's permission?" Tim jokingly asked, he'd only realized recently that he skipped the crucial step.

"You didn't seem to have an issue with it yesterday. Anyways, when are you free? "

"For you? Always." Marinette rolled her eyes before hearing her boyfriend's stomach grumble.

"Come on, lover-boy, lets get you some food."

"Yes, please."

Tim fidgeted with his cuff links, then his collar. His tie looked crooked but when he fixed it it looked worse, her corrected it again.

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