Daminette- Arranged Mariage Pt. 6

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Damian pulled back first, letting Marinette catch her breath. Judging by her reaction to his doing so, Damian concluded that he was a good kisser. Marinette followed him as he pulled back before blushing gorgeously.

Of course, Jon chose that moment to barge into his room from the window.

"Hey, Dami-! Oh."

"Great." Damian dead panned. Marinette blushed deeply before she realized how Jon had come in.


"Shoot! You won't tell right? My dad'd be super mad! Haha get it 'super'?" Damian facepalmed as Marinette put two and two together.

"Oh! You're Superboy! It's nice to meet you- again that is!"

"And your the Ladybug girl, right?" Marinette knew there was no denying it, he'd caught them in his room kissing and there wasn't anyone else Damian would do that with, she figured out pretty quick that Damian was a loner by nature.

"Yes! Are you hear to see Damian? I could leave if you'd-"

"No, it's fine I just came to hang out! Any wife of Damian's is a friend of mine!" Marinette blushed softly but still laughed. She and Jon began talking, she offered that they go to her parents bakery for some dessert- Damian was pulled along by Marinette as he grumbled about annoying friends and wives in mandarin, as if it was second nature.

"Don't be so rude, I can hear you!" Marinette snapped in her native tongue, Damian rolled his eyes.

"Of course you can, Dear." He teased as if they were an old married couple, as if they'd had this conversation a million times before. And then the moment was over, Damian was reluctant to let it end as he watched Marinette and Jon start talking about something else as they neared the patisserie. They got dessert, Damian decided not to get anything, and eventually other friends came up.

"You know, I have a friend named Chloe. She and Damian are always arguing, it's kind of funny. You should really meet her!" Jon looked at Marinette, then at a smug Damian, before looking back at Marinette. Damian had been right.

"Sure! What's she like?"

"Well, she's really pretty and always looks after people she cares about, she isn't super vocal about it though. Really smart, and loud but in a funny way!" Of course, Bourgeois chose then to make her dramatic entrance.

"Marinette! What's wrong?" A loud blond with blue eyes walked into the room, she immediately approached them.

"Chloe! Meet Jon! Damian's friend from America!"

"YOU TEXTED ME 911 TO MEET SOME FRIEND OF DAMIAN'S?!" Chloe sounded so done, Marinette seemed unapologetic but feigned sincerity when she said: 'Sorry' before continuing as if nothing had happened,

"-So this is Jon, he's from Metropolis, loves games and hanging out with his friends and family. Really great."

"Really? She roped you into this?" Chloe deadpanned, looking at Damian. He raised his arms in defense.

"I was dragged, he came willingly, not knowing why, but willingly."

"Right..." Of course, after the awkward introduction everyone got along really well. Damian stayed quiet but Marinette made sure he participated. Chloe and Jon got along well eventually talking about something involving university, Marinette wasn't paying attention she was staring at Damian jokingly, he stared back unabashedly.

Jon stayed for a few days, using Damian's room since he wasn't. By the end of it, Damian caught him and Chloe either heavily flirting or kissing. He sighed and shook his head at the thought, Marinette would never let setting them up go.

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