Timinette- De-Aged Pt. 2

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"I came as fast as I-" Marinette looked up and paled, instead of seeing one of the batboys, the bluenette was face to face with the man of steel, some other leaguers flanking him. 

"Who are you? You shouldn't have clearance to be here." Wonder Woman said, waiting for a response.

"Uh- wh-where exactly is here?" The bluenette took a quick glance to her left and saw a painted metal wall, then to her right- Space. Space. Space. Marinette was in space?!? Badbadbadbadbadbadbadbad, ohhhhh Tim would kill her if he wasn't four. He made her promise not to go to space without him after hearing about the incident with a train being turned into a spaceship-situation-esque-thing. She was in space.

"Space. Merde!" Marinette was spurred into action, pulling out her phone as she dug for her mask, even if it was pointless she wasn't going to let Bruce think she zeta-ed without one on.

The girl quickly put the mask on before dialing the older man's number.

"Where are you? What happened? Tim got his hands on the computer! Are you okay? Please don't tell me you're in Atlantis!" Dick exclaimed, it sounded like he was freaking out.

"Uhh, put Batman on the phone."

"What why?"

"I'm starring at his best friend?" Marinette said like it was a question.

"What do you mean? The batcomputer's down- who are you with? Do you have a mask on?"

"I think I'm in space, looking at Superman and Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter, and-" Marinette's list was cut off by Tim.

"They can't see you if you don't make noise! DON'T GET EATEN!" A distraught Tim exclaimed, sure the boy was four but he had all the skills a four year old Robin would have.

"DO NOT DO THAT!" Jason exclaimed before recovering the phone. "BRAT! Hold the other brat down! Hey!" There was a mild commotion before the line went silent and Bruce was on the line.

"Hand the phone to Superman." Marinette obeyed, knowing the hero could hear every word.

"Batman, who's-"

"What do you mean? What kind of emergency would require-"

"And we're supposed to accept that you have unapproved people on the zeta-clearance list."

"I don't care if they're yours!" Superman handed the girl the phone back exasperated

"Say the code."

"Uh- oh right! RP dash RR colon AA1 dash LB uh... 2607937- no 368!" Superman looked at the girl in mild surprise, rank AA? That was reserved for non-leaguers that were yet to be approached.

"Do you know what that code means?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Br- atman said to say it if something like this happened, but I'm not really supposed to be in space right now-" The phone speaker suddenly got very loud.


"Oh My Disney, HE'S TRING TO USE ROBINS CAPE AS A TISSUE, THIS IS GOLD!" Marinette took an experimental step back, and then another before hesitantly turning and rushing to the waiting zeta-tube.

"Uh, Batcave?"

"Yeah right! Not even we have zeta clearance to the-" Flash started up but was cut short by the zeta speaking.

"Ladybug, AA1, Batcave." The girl disappeared in a flash of light, leaving a confused Justice League in her wake.

Marinette flashed into the dark bat-cave, it was empty, a glitching bat-computer illuminated the area just enough for the girl to notice a puddle of what looked like pudding on one of the computer's air vents. The bluentte immediately made her way to the manor using the stairs, assuming next to everything automatically shut down when the computer did.

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