Daminette- Persephone Hades AU Pt. 11

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Marinette cried, tears of joy streaming down her face as she tackled Tikki in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." Marinette sobbed in gratitude as Tikki pat the girl's back.

"It's nothing, Marinette, six months here, six months there. You've suffered long enough."

"When do we leave?" Tikki shook her head as a paper appeared in her hand, it was from Plagg.

"You're leaving in a week's time. That Jason boy is going to come." The bluenette beamed, the next week was full of packing her few things and spending time with her family. The bluenette was sad she couldn't see her parents as often but she was ecstatic at the though of seeing her home again, to see her family again, to see Damian again.

The highly anticipated day could not have come a moment sooner, Jason knocked on the temple door and it was immediately opened by an overjoyed Marinette. She hugged the man  before quickly pulling away and grabbing her two suitcases, the same as the day she left.

"Not so fast, queenie. I wanna warn you- Damian gave me express permission and high encouragement to deck anyone that even looks at you rudely and prepare for the most fanfare you're ever gonna see. Damian's been getting ready for a week and the whole underworld was more than eager to help him celebrate your return." Marinette smiled, Jason taking one of her bags as they started walking back home.

People starred as Marinette left, no one had seen her smile since the day she arrived. The girl was beaming, laughing and talking with a man as she walked towards the city limits. She looked as if she might burst into tears as her smiled. Lila saw her window of opportunity shrinking quickly.

The brunette made her approach, trying to step in front of Marinette. The man stopped her like a bodyguard.

"Excuse you." Marinette kept walking, pulling Jason along. She refused to let him threaten the girl, that would just make it worse. Nothing was going to ruin today.

"Jason, don't."

"Is that an order?" Jason clearly didn't want it to be.

"If it has to be."

"You're lucky the brat isn't here or he'd do it for me. You know you can't stop him."

"If you think that, you haven't seen him try to get cuddles after an argument." Jason laughed at that. The walk from Olympus to the underworld was fast, the bluenette wasted no time as she urged Jason to walk faster. They made it to the dock in record time, Bruce was already there.

"Welcome home."

"Thank you." The goddess smile as she took his offered hand and boarded, hugging her father-in-law after she had both feet in the familiar boat. Marinette could hardly endure the hour long ferry ride to their destination.

It had been so long, Marinette craned her neck back to stare at the beautiful, star-like roof of the cavern. The water was calm but for once, she wasn't relaxed by the atmosphere- she beamed and did her best not to cry tears of joy as they neared. Standing the moment she knew they were close, Jason had to all but hold her down so she didn't rock the boat. After a long straight away there was one sharp turn and then she'd be there. She'd see Damian waiting, the rest of her family with him.

"You better finish getting ready, Queenie." Marinette looked at Jason, confused. What else did she need to do? He pointed toward her head, the goddess got the idea. The bluenette carefully removed her gold crown from her case and put it on her head. The familiar weight reminding her, this was not just a homecoming to her husband but also to her people. The souls of the underworld had lived without a queen for a decade, they'd been patient long enough.

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