Daminette- Persephone Hades AU Pt. 5

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Marinette carefully secured the clasp behind her neck, looking at herself in the mirror. The bluenette was impressed that she was even standing. To make sure no one recognized her, Marinette was decked out in jewels, heavy rings, necklaces, bracelets, and even an uncharacteristically dark maroon dress with hand-sewn black diamonds creating a narcissus flower pattern along the bottom. Her lips were stained a dark red, her eyes smoky making her blue eyes pop. The young goddess gingerly lifted her crown, she was never able to get used to the fact that it was hers and hers alone. It was carefully placed on her head by a nice maid before she curtsied and walked out of the room.

Marinette took a step back to look over herself, she didn't put the black veil over her face yet. Her maroon sheath dress fit her well, the sleeves going to just past her elbows. Her usual engagement ring replaced by a far larger, black, diamond wedding ring sitting on her left ring finger. Her usual, more subtle but still beautiful crown was replaced by a more obvious, stygian iron crown with metal petals; intricate flowers with diamond's at the center between the long petals; long, thin crystals behind them.

Everything about the way Marinette looked screamed sophisticated and important, she felt like she was looking at someone else, but at the same time she felt like she was exactly who she was always meant to be. It was an interesting experience to look at someone she didn't recognize that shared the same face as her.

Then Damian walked in, he looked tired after having gotten up extra early to deal with as many souls as possible before leaving the rest for the day to his brothers. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Marinette, she could hear him suddenly take a breath, his cheeks tinting a subtle pink.

"Help me with the veil?" Marinette asks, that stirred Damian who immediately moved to greet his beautiful wife. He kissed her cheek lovingly.

"You look stunning."

"Yes, I did stun you. Didn't I?" Damian softly gave her a chuckle as he carefully placed the veil over Marinette's face.

"Can you see well?"


"Alright," Damian carefully flipped the veil over the crown so he could see Marinette again. "I'll get ready and then we can finally get it over with."

Before Marinette even had a moment to think, she was in her and Damian's carriage on their way to Olympus.

Marinette's hand was in Damian's as he made soothing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. Damian would be by her side the entire time, Cass and Sabine would always be near by if something happened. She just had to sit through a day of celebration, one day of staying silent and then she could go back home. One day of watching her ex friends have fun without even glancing at her and then she could stress bake with Damian or Alfred, relax in her garden, play with Titus or Goliath, get back to the souls she loved so much.

All Marinette wanted was to go back as she looked out the window of the cab of the carriage, Alfred steering the gold chariot towards the hall where everything would take place. It was like nothing had changed, like Marinette had never left. Everything was exactly as she left it. Except for the plant life- they were wilting. It looks like even Olympus wasn't safe from the effects of her absence.

Apparently, Lila was claiming to be sick and unable to fulfill her duties despite her 'best' efforts. That's why her and Adrien's marriage was so rushed- squeezed into a day of ritual and celebration.

It was customary for the goddess of life and the sun the get married, Marinette used to have the biggest crush on Adrien but it had fizzled out well before she left to travel with her Nona. She couldn't be happier with Damian.

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