Daminette- Ballet AU Pt. 5

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Your girlfriend had to leave, something about not missing an important practice later today. Alfie found one of your old sweatpants and went to refill your tank. Breakfast is ready when you are. Touch my extra pancakes and I'll kill your vegetarian ass.

Damian groaned, either Marinette was freaked out about staying at the manor and booked it or she really did have an important practice to get too. In any event that meant speaking with his family which was always a bad thing.

The boy quickly put the old pants on and made his way to the kitchen, his stomach demanding food. The smell of eggs and pancakes coupled with the sound of clattering cutlery and a sizzling pan had Damian walking through the dark halls a little faster. When Damian entered the kitchen he immediately noticed Marinette animatedly speaking with Mar'i and Stephanie as she ate a pancake, Alfred making food, and everyone turning to see him- Jason and Duke looking a little too happy too see him.

"TODD! THOMAS!" The two boys booked it, running. Marinette looked confused as the rest of the group laughed.

"What'd they do this time?" Selina asked, cringing as the trio passed, nearly knocking a vase over.

"I saw them talk about it-" Cass then whispered something to Barbra who Marinette had just been introduced to, the red head immediately burst out laughing.

"Oh please, that's definitely Duke, that's not even funny! Jason would be way crueler!" Babs then elaborated.

"What they did to Steph and Kor'i, the shirtless prank." Barbra explained, people seemed to chuckle at that, the two women huffed.

"No matter what you do, don't look up, Marinette."

"Yes, this joke is not the funny." Kor'i seconded Stephanie's warning.

"Unless you've seen Damian shirtless before, that is." Dick noted, as if he was in on an inside joke.

"Get OUT! NO WAY DEMON SPAWN HAS GAME?" Marinette blushed at Tim's exclamation. Dick laughed.

"PLEASE! Of course not, she answered his phone while he was in the shower. Poor kid rushes out to keep Marinette from talking to me, doesn't have time to change and spends the next half hour with a towel around his waist." Most laughed at that.

"Half an hour?" Stephanie asks.

"Hey, don't ask me, I wasn't there." Dick defended, he was all for embarrassing Damian but he wasn't going to bring up the kiss. Damian walked in a few minutes later, sitting in Duke's old seat.

"tt, don't look at me like that." A shirtless Damian grumbled, Marinette looked like she wanted to burst out laughing.

"Marinette?" The Parisian turned to the little girl, stopping before sitting in the passenger's seat of Damian's car.

"Can we have another sleepover soon?" Both girls stopped short but it was too late, everyone heard.

"Sure, next time we'll do something fun." Mar'i smiled, glad Marinette wasn't mad she'd mentioned their secret sleepover.

"What do you mean, why didn't you do something fun last time?" Stephanie asked, getting as much information as possible for future teasing.

"Mr. How-Hard-Could-It-Be-To-Put-A-Little-Girl-To-Bed comes to my apartment at one o'clock in the morning and falls asleep on my couch while I put Mar'i to sleep. Leaving me to help her get dressed, do her hair, and eat. She was wonderful, he was a pain. Thank you again." Everyone waved goodbye, chuckling. Damian grumbled something before driving off.

Marinette was curled up on Damian's couch, gnawing her lip raw. She was wrapped in a burrito of blankets with a pillow propping her up, facing the kitchen.

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