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Requested by: Icerosecrystal

Dick was in the living room, Jason with him as they watched the news coverage of some politician's affair.

"Masters Richard and Jason, Master Bruce has requested your presences in the foyer. He has someone he'd like for you to meet, best behavior."

Jason shared a look with the first Robin, everyone noticed that Bruce had been in a better mood the past few months- the only reasonable conclusions were either Bruce has some type of brain tumor messing with his brain chemistry or he got a girlfriend. Now, the first theory was quickly ruled out in their biannual health screening a few weeks ago, and the second was just confirmed.

Alfred left to get Tim and Damian who were either in their rooms or arguing. Dick and Jason went to the foyer, no one was there yet. Damian and Tim walked into the room a few minutes later, the older of the two had marks on his face from falling asleep on his arm and the other had their nose in a book.

"Little D, come on! I know reading is great and all but you should really put it down when you're walking."

"Noted." Damian mumbled, reading a book he 'borrowed' from Todd's collection in the library.

"HEY! THAT'S MY COPY OF WALDEN! Give it back!"

"tt, no. I'm reading it."

"I don't care, you should have asked!" Jason exclaimed trying to get the book back, Damian dodged- his eyes never leaving the page.

"You would have said 'no'." Jason huffed, knowing the twelve-year-old assassin wasn't wrong.

"It better be in perfect condition when you're done, and get your own books!"

"That is wasteful, and I can read what I like. It was in the library." Damian snapped back, loosing his place. Someone cleared their throat, it was Alfred. Jason and Damian looked up to where Dick and Tim were staring, Damian followed his line of sight-

Bruce gave Marinette's hand a reassuring squeeze as they approached the intimidating entrance of Wayne Manor.

"You have nothing to worry about, they'll love you. Though they might not be the most receptive at first." Marinette gave her boyfriend a semi-confident smile, hopefully it wouldn't take as long as it did for them to get together.

The bluenette's medium length midnight waves were pushed behind her ear by her dainty porcelain hand. She wasn't makeup except some clear mascara to help bring out her bluebell eyes, deciding to dress as she usually did. Marinette was a five foot nothing thirty two year old highly  skilled and experienced ex-assassin... who felt as nervous as a school girl. She was not trained for this. Marinette straitened her simple red blouse her white jeans fitting perfectly as she absentmindedly picked at lint that didn't exist. Her simple black flats shuffling nervously. Marinette was wearing a thin gold chain necklace with a simple abstract pendant hanging on it.

Bruce opened the door, both stopped short when they heard yelling. Marinette quickly recognized Damian, it had been years since Thalia had taken the boy out of her care but his scowl was unmistakable. It took a lot of self-restraint to not immediately hug the boy. She had last seen him when he was eight, he must be eleven or twelve by now.

Bruce seemed to notice how she looked at the pre-teen, he of course knew everything. Marinette had approached the Batman, begging for help to leave the League of Assassins. One thing led to another and they ended up dating, Bruce seemed to like hearing about Damian's younger years: when he would ask if she was okay as they sparred or served her tea when he prepared his own.

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