Daminette- Arranged Marriage Pt. 3

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Marinette yawned, suddenly feeling exhausted- the day's events wearing her out. She stopped short, how were they supposed to sleep? Damian seemed to follow her train of thought, so did everyone else.

Jason started laughing, finding it amusing, Tim and Stephanie also seemed to find it funny but controlled themselves.

"Oh my Disney, this is gonna be hilarious."

Damian glared at his siblings, Marinette blushing madly next to him. Dinner was an interesting experience, Marinette attempting to eat with her injured hand was a bust so her and Damian had to switch places, carefully holding hands with their bandages in the way. Unfortunately getting used to eating with her non-dominant hand was a challenge, but still do-able.

Marinette showered quickly, before swapping with Damian. Then came the question of how to sleep, neither had ever shared a bed before or wanted to. Marinette found the situation far too awkward for her liking, she missed her parents and Chloe. All she wanted to do was be with her family, apparently all her grandparents were in the city impatiently waiting with her worried parents. Even Uncle Jagged and Aunt Penny flew in, cancelling everything to do what they could to help.

"Well, obviously they'll share a bed but there's no guarantee they'll be touching the whole time and it's not like we can tie their hands together they could hurt themselves like that." Marinette was too tired to really participate, it was well past one in the morning.

"The best we can do is probably make touching as easy as possible, no sleeves on their shirts, shorter pants. Nothing inappropriate but to the knee could be helpful." Selina offered.

"The brat doesn't usually wear shirts to sleep anyways, that would make everything easier." Marinette felt scandalized at the recommendation she would never do such a thing, someone hit him on the head.

"Chill out, blueberry, I just meant Damian. If he's not wearing one it would be easier for you two to be touching." Marinette nodded in understanding, not looking at anyone- embarrassed she'd thought that was what he meant.

Damian and Marinette were given one of the rooms, there was another bed. Dick would be in there to make sure everything was okay and to 'chaperone', Marinette wasn't entirely sure what the word meant, seeing that everyone was using English, but she believed it had something to do with making sure they weren't dying.

Marinette was in a borrowed camisole and shorts from Stephanie and Damian was in basketball shorts and nothing else. When it came to how to sleep things got awkward because at first they decided to sleep on their backs with their hands touching but Marinette was used to sleeping either spread out or on her side.

Dick had left to do something and when he came back noticed Marinette just staring blankly at the ceiling, Damian seemingly asleep next to her.

"Can't sleep?" Marinette shook her head 'no'.

"What do you usually do when you can't sleep?"

"Well, there's this big pillow that looks like a cat- it would be taller than me if you stood it up, I've had it for as long as I can remember. I usually just hug that I guess-" Dick smirked, amused- Damian hadn't slept at all and heard everything.

"Well, Damian is taller than you and he has a pet cat if that helps!" Marinette blushed.

"W-What no! I'd never do that, he's a person! You don't just-"

"What? Cuddle with people?" Marinette blushed again, visible despite how dark the room was. "I'm just kidding, look I'm really sorry that this is happening and you should know that Damian feels really bad that this happened too." Dick's deeper voice began to lull the girl to sleep.

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