Daminette- Midsummer Nights Dream Pt.2

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The man knew he'd screwed up, everything about the last time he'd seen Marinette made him cringe at how horribly he'd handled the situation. Damian couldn't seem to be able to brush it off like he would anything else, the worst parts played on repeat in his mind. It gnawed at him, like he needed to do something about it. It had only been a day since the catastrophe of a conversation but it felt like a month.

Damian was walking to his apartment after dropping off some dry-cleaning when he recognized someone that walked by, on instinct Damian changed direction and followed. He greeted the familiar bluenette.

"Marinette?" The girl looked to see who had called her and stopped in the middle of the busy sidewalk at the sight of the man that had been at the forefront of her mind ever since the hot mess that was the last time they saw each other.

"Hello Damian!" The bluenette greeted, her cheeks pinking slightly as she greeted him.

"How are you? Are you heading somewhere?"

"I'm good. I was planning on getting some coffee. Want to come?" Damian was both elated and relieved.

"If you don't mind." Marinette beams and they begin their walk to a café Marinette claims is the best in London. The two order, conversation was slow at first. Both were too scared of messing up to really let themselves relax.

Eventually, Marinette forgets herself and tells Damian about this time she coated the entirety of her parents bakery with flour while baking with her uncle. She'd been embarrassed but it helped break the ice, after that conversation flowed more easily.

It started with a coffee, then a little pastry as a snack, they went for a second round of 'happy bean juice' as Damian learned Marinette liked to call it, before spending another hour talking and laughing as their second cups eventually empty.

Damian had to admit that had it been a date it would have been the best he'd ever been on. Conversation flowed, filled with jokes, smiles, and laughs, mostly on Marinette's part but she seemed to enjoy his dry humor.

Neither realized how long they'd spent at the café until they asked for the check but neither regretted it.

"Oh, shoot, I have to get back home. Your costume is almost done but I decided to add a few finishing touches. I should be able to drop it off tomorrow." The not-couple got up and walked out of the small café together.

"Thank you again for helping us with that." Damian awkwardly thanked the girl who graciously said that it was her pleasure.

"Uh, before I go... could we maybe swap numbers? This was really great." Damian stopped for a moment, his mind short-circuiting at the absolutely breathtaking look on her face. She bit her lip as she looked up at him, her cheeks a subtle pink.

When he was finally able to move again, he responded.

"Of course." Damian fumbled for his phone before handing it to Marinette, she did the same.

"Bye, Damian. See you tomorrow!" The man couldn't help the dopey smile that he could feel form on his face as he waved goodbye to the girl.

"-and then we swapped numbers! It was so great. We talked the whole time! It was a little awkward at first but then it just, it was so amazing, Chloe." Chloe internally smirked, Damian might just be the guy that will finally had the honor of taking Marinette out. All those silly excuses of being to busy and not really knowing the guy seemed to go out the window the moment she laid eyes on Wayne.

The bluenette took a seat near Chloe, a bowl of popcorn on her lap.

"Ew. Minette, I'm trying to eat. I don't want to hear about some oh so perfect boy, though he is pretty obviously head over heels for you too." Marinette blushed, her best friend laughed at her reaction before going back to munching on her cookie as Kagami's head rested on her lap.

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