Daminette- Soulmates AU Pt. 1

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Everyone has a soulmate, their one true love, the one person the universe made just for them. Each 'one true pair' meets every night when both are asleep in a place called the dreamscape. Some describe it as beautiful, others practical. It depends on the person.

You first go to the dreamscape when the younger person turns five, from then on, every night is spent with your soulmate. You spend years getting to know each other, most don't meet until later on.

Some people meet by chance or already know each other but it's traditional to wait until the younger person's fifteenth birthday to meet in person. The first meeting is supposed to be a symbol of maturity, a journey, no matter the distance, taken alone. To meet the person of your dreams- literally, is an important step in a persons life. Marinette had been ecstatic at the thought of a soulmate since she could understand what it meant. She was positive she was the younger one, her fifth birthday took ages to arrive.

Damian never put much thought to the odd mention of a soulmate, he wasn't asked and he didn't ask. When Damian's fifth birthday neared, his mother pulled him aside. Thalia explained that soulmates were weaknesses meant to be exploited, that one day, either on his fifth birthday or later he'd go to sleep and wake up in an odd room. It didn't matter what was there he was to ignore everyone and everything in it and tell her when it happened.

At five years, three months and twelve days old, Damian went to bed in his usual room and woke up in a very different one. The walls, floor, and furniture were the same. Dark hardwood floors contrasted the warm, beige paper walls. Sparse furniture dotted the perimeter of the room, leaving a larger open space in the middle. His nightstand, table and armoire were all out of a wood that matched the floor. His nightstand had it's usual dagger in it but also had colorful, food themed erasers. There was a bed next to the nightstand, far taller and plusher than his, with thick pale pink comforters and pillows. A low, circular table by the foot of the bed had his tea set, a plate of some type of food he'd never seen before, and a children's sewing machine of some sort. His armoire was the same as always, though some drawers hard more brightly colored clothes. There was a bookshelf tucked into the corner of the room, he hadn't seen it before. He recognized some as the books he studied, others looked like thin, colorful books. That's when he saw it, a door. Damian approached it, walking around someone he'd been told to ignore. He tries to open it but it was locked, he tries again, he uses his dagger to break through, even kicking it down- nothing works. They start speaking, he makes note that they are fluent in French, well, as fluent as a child could be. They tried grabbing his arm but it doesn't work. They spent what he counted as four hours together, she tried speaking with him again and again, he ignored her- studying his books.

He told his mother about the dream the next morning.

"Mother, I had an odd dream with a French girl."

"What did you do?"

"As you said, I did not acknowledge her." She nodded.

"Keep it that way." Damian nods, mimicking her before being sent to his usual tutors.

That night, the girl is there before him she spoke in poor Spanish, English, slightly better Mandarin, even German. From the quick glance he got, she was reading off her arm. She didn't get any kind of response from Damian, she seemed down trodden but after that she ate the odd things and hummed. At some point she mumbled about a broken bond before shaking her head, like the idea was ridiculous.

On the third night, she signed her name to him. She even used broken Arabic and Pashtun, she must have described his appearance to her family and made an assumption.

On the fourth night she tried even lesser sued languages: Hindi, Hebrew, Korean, Swahili. Her arms must be stained beyond repair with how many times she had to have written on it. None of her attempts even earned a glance.

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