Daminette- Oblivious Idiots

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Requested by: ScarletBarton

Ladybug groans her face in a pillow as she freaks out- just a little. Scratch that, a lot.

"How'd you figure it out? I'm not that obvious, am I? Do you think he knows? He can't know, that would be awful- ohhhh NonononononoNOnonononooooo. No. Please, tell me he doesn't know." Ladybug is laying face down on the couch in the spacious living room of Titans Tower, Beast Boy smirking down at her reaction to being found out. The boy just brought up her obvious crush, and now the Parisian hero was a little panicked. If Beast Boy noticed who else did? Everyone on the team was really smart.

The Parisian had joined the Titans over a year ago, finding her place quickly. She kept up with everyone: playing video games with Beast Boy and Kid Flash; hanging out with Star and binging; Raven was a tough nut to crack but Marinette respected that she didn't want to do any of those activities. They did get along but respected that they just had very different interests.

Robin was a completely different story, at first he was rude but the bluenette was stubborn. She wasn't going to deal with his bratty attitude, sticking up her herself. At some point, the Parisian  earns his respect. They became friends over time, working well together though Robin insisted they train so she could improve her technique.

"It's kinda obvious for me, but he's pretty dense. Bats are always idiots when it comes to emotions n' stuff." The young Parisian hero looked up from her pillow.                

"I know that... he's my best friend. Friend- Merde. What if he sees me just as a friend!?" The bluenette's hands went to her hair, eyes blown wide. It took everything in Beast Boy not to laugh at how blind the girl was. Does she not see how smitten the fourth Robin was for her? That he acts more like a human being when she's around?

"No, what if all he ever sees in me is a friend? This isn't good, then we'll never date and he's just so datable. Have you seen the way his nose crinkles when he tastes something he doens't like, holding it until it goes away? And the way he swoops his hair, I'd bet it's soft. And he's so strong-"

"Ew. I have ears, please don't-"

"And then one day I'll have to watch him fall for someone, I think I already have. It's awful- not that I'm not happy he's happy, because I am- but I think he likes Raven. They spend so much time together, sneaking off sometimes."

"I bet they like each other, how could I compete with her. She's amazing, and- and I'm not." The bluenette's tone goes from one of acceptance to defeated.

"Oh, okay, we got serious. Uh- don't cry." When he and Raven went over the plan, they hadn't covered the possibility of a) Ladybug thinking Robin and Raven were a thing; or b) that Ladybug would compare herself to Raven. The Parisian was always so self-confident and optimistic, perfect even- she never let anyone get her down and tried to help anyone that needed it. She huffs at his panic.

"I'm not gonna cry. It's just, why would he like me? I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm annoying." The girl stood pacing, trying to decipher the enigma that was Robin. The girl's moods changed at the drop of a dime, leaving Beast Boy to try and keep up.

"Am I  annoying to him? Probably. Raven was so calm and nice, he has no reason not to like her."

"That's definitely not true, if he thought that he would tell you." She nods, sitting on the couch, leaning on her hands. His words helped a little but a girls mind is her worst enemy, all the worst 'what if's' popping into her brain like spam mail in an already full mailbox.

This was going to take more intervention than he'd thought.

"You're ridiculous, that isn't true."

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