Daminette- Ballet AU Pt. 3

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Damian's eyes pleaded she refuse but he could tell it was a loosing battle.

"Of course I want to see Mar'i." She could hear distant hollers of victory, he grumbled at her like they'd both be suffering because of her decision.

"BRAT! Listen up, I'm almost at your place- she's got all her dance stuff and what she'll need to wear to the gala. You have to make sure to do her hair in a..."

"Let me stop you right there, I don't do hair." Damian said, Dick was not going to dump the little girl on him.

"Well then it's good Marinette can help. She has something to wear, right? Sorry to spring this on you last minute Marinette!" Dick called out, Marinette was handed the phone at Grayson's request.

"So like I was saying, Mar'i needs her hair done. Something simple but durable, she'll probably be with the puppies the whole time. And for her dress you've gotta make sure the bow has the satin facing out, you have something to wear right?" Marinette reassured the man that she had something that could work, the bluenette was now very grateful that her career required occasional mandatory formal events.

"Perfect, oh, and make sure Damian wears his tie- Demon Spawn never wears it. Ever since he was a kid, once he even tried to burn one so it couldn't be found." Marinette giggled at that but Damian quickly stole the phone.

"I'll be at my apartment soon." The boy grumbled, ending the call.

"Traitor, now we both have to deal with the heathens."

"Not even you could say no to Mar'i, don't blame me! Besides you have a sleep over to prepare for!"

"Please, how hard could putting a little girl to bed be?" Marinette snorted as they made their way out of the dance studio.

"I'm on my way."

"What do you mean?" Marinette yawned, it was well past midnight and she was asleep when she got a call from Damian.

"Mar'i won't go to bed, would you help me?"

"What do you mean, it's the middle of the night Damian- the girl has to be exhausted!"

"Trust me, she isn- HEY Don't put that in your mouth!" Damian scolded.

"I'm on my way up." Damian promptly hung up the phone, Marinette flopped onto her bed not thinking the boy was serious until she heard a knock on her door.

"You didn't." Marinette deadpanned, but when she opened the door she saw Damian holding a smiling Mar'i who was in My Little Pony pajamas as she swung her and Damian's hand. The boy did a once over, and then another one- Marinette's blushed at Damian's sleep deprived starring but didn't seem to mind. He finally came back to the land of the living, remembering why he had driven over so late at night.

"Please." Damian sounded absolutely wrecked.

"Fine, you sleep on the couch." Marinette huffed grabbing Mar'i as Damian made a beeline for the couch. It was the boy's first time in her apartment, the floor was a dark hardwood, all the walls were a faded cream, her kitchen was small but practical and one of the walls had a brick fireplace. The décor looked new, a nice couch and seating area took up a good portion of the room, potted plants here and there, with a full book shelf surrounding the television. The room as a whole was quaint and homey, a stark contrast to Damian's impersonal, modern apartment. He saw pictures everywhere, all of family.

Damian quickly lay down on the couch as he watched Marinette bring Mar'i into the seat next to him, she had turned the lights off.

"Good night, Mar'i.

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