Daminette- Arranged Marriage Pt. 1

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***A/N: I do NOT agree with the concept of a forced marriage, this story is nothing more than a work of fiction. Some cultures have arranged marriages, this is NOT an accurate representation of their traditions.***

Marinette didn't need to look at her class to know they were starring at her, she felt their glares as she made her way into the class. Adrien Agreste, her crush of three years, gave her an apologetic smile which she politely returned.

Lila had convinced the overwhelming majority of Ms. Bustier's class that Marinette was a lying bully that couldn't be trusted. The Italian had gone the unnecessary length of spreading rumors about her parents bakery. None of them were true, of course, but it only made Marinette hate the lying Italian even more.

Chloe, Marinette's unlikely ally/ best friend, waited for the bluenette in the last row of the room. Both girls bonded when they were mutually ostracized. Bourgeois didn't understand what Marinette saw in Adrien, being more attracted to athletically inclined guys- she always saw Kim as too competitive for her taste, but did her best ot be supportive. They knew Adrien hated having to hang out with Lila and that only reason he did so was because his father made him.

Classes began and after a few monotonous hours of Ms. Bustier's lecturing the school day was over. As the two girls walked out of the school they spotted Adrien getting ready for fencing practice.

"Minette, you need to woman up! Just spit it out, just tell him: 'I like you.' And then whatever happens, happens." Marinette nodded, it was go-time. Now or never. Gathering her courage Marinette approached Adrien.

"Hey Adrien! Are you getting ready for fencing?" Adrien looked up from his gear and smiled at the bluenette. As the years progressed Marientte's stutter lessened- to her relief.

"Yeah, but I've still got a few minutes, anything on your mind?" Adrien seemed to notice her nervous fidgeting. Marinette swallowed dryly and mentally repeated Chloe's favorite catchphrase:

'C'mon Marinette, WOMAN UP!'

"W-well-" Chloe's voice rang through her mind, 'Get it over with, Minette, quick, like taking off a bandage!'

"I really like you! Not like a friend, and not just 'like' like you I l-love you!" Adrien blushed and Marinette felt proud, she had finally told her crush how she felt. It was envigorating, Marinette felt like she could fly, like she could lift a car with her bare hands, like she could climb Everest and take hawkmoth down without batting an eye. The bluenette felt invinci-

"That's really nice of you to think that but, I'm really sorry Marientte, I love someone else." Marientte's face dropped as her pride and dignity was stripped, she fought back tears. The whiplash was horrible and paralyzing.

There was an awkward silence as Marinette fought to regain control of her body.

"I-It's okay, Adrien, I-I just wanted to let you know. I hope this doesn't have to change anything"

"Of course not." Adrien gave her another apologetic smile, identical to the one from earlier that day, but she could feel the pity. Marinette quickly made her escape. Chloe was waiting for her by the exit of the school, the blond quickly noticed her best friend's disappointment and humiliation.

Chloe dragged a teary-eyed Marinette to the bakery, grabbed snacks for their kwami's and themselves and began making the necessary preparations. Operation: Gloomy Weather was in full swing by the time they entered Marinette's room. Employee's at the hotel were preparing Chloe's room with all the necessities: blankets, pillows, movies, snacks, self-care supplies, and everything else they would need to lift Marinette's spirits. A car was already on its way.

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