Daminette- Halloween

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A/N: I know I haven't been updating as much as I said but I'm working on a really nice multi-part that I think you're all going to love. Please be patient and thank you for reading!
Stay Safe!

Requested by: @Adaxas

Marinette helped Mar'i do her hair while the other girls got changed. Everyone, in solidarity, decided to drop whatever costume they were planning and matched with Marinette for Halloween.

"Thanks for making my costume, Aunite Nettie! It's super pretty!" Marinette smiled down at the girl as she put the last pin in to secure the jewelry to the girl's head. A large fake jewel now hung against the eight year old's forehead.

"You're gonna dress up too, right? Momma and Papa say that you're gonna prank uncle Dami with it today."

"Yeah, that's what he gets for cheating." Marinette smiled as she grabbed her costume and went to her room's bathroom to change. Damian had long since been kicked out of their shared room. All the girls decided to meet up there when they were done changing to do their hair and make-up.

Cass was already dressed and ready, waiting for Mar'i to finish so the little girl could brush her hair.

The Parisian was quick to slip off her jeans and t-shirt, changing into her handmade costume. Appraising herself in the mirror Marinette smirked, this is what Damian gets for being a sore loser.

//Flashback, 2 weeks ago//

"That's so not true! Jerry the Turkey absolutely love me more!"

"How dare you, he is my pet."

"Yes, but you belong to me. By default everything that is yours is mine. I have an equal if not greater claim over Jerry." Marinette huffed out. Damian wanted to be annoyed, he really did but he couldn't take his girlfriend seriously with a turkey in her arms, nuzzled close to the Parisian. Alfred the cat on her shoulder with Titus resting his head on her lap, his eyes closed. Batcow was comfortably curled up around her. She looked adorable.

"Fine, there's a simple way to prove you wrong. Place Jerry in the center of the room, we'll see who he goes to."

"Fine, but if I win you have to dress up with me for Halloween!"

"And if I win, you have to spend Halloween in a costume of my choosing." Marinette weighed her options, she was positive Jerry liked her more. In any event it was too late to back out now.


Damian smirked as he carefully took Jerry from Marinette's arms and held him in the center of the room. Marinette took her place on the floor, her back against a well at one end of the barn.

"Hands?" She asked.

"No. Calling?"


"Stay, Jerry." The bird gobbled as it cocked its head, Damian sat exactly opposite to the bluenette, his back against one of the walls. Jerry looked between them, Marinette quietly cooed Jerry's name.

"Oh, mon petite oisau. Jerry, come to Mama Marinette." The animal slowly began it's walk towards the bluenette, she could smell victory. Just a few more feet.

He was so close, just a few more step's and she'd have him.

"Jerry." Damian sternly commanded, the bird stopped just short of Marinette's arms. The bird's head turned to his owner. "Come." Marinette's face dropped as the turkey quickly made it's way to Damian.

"CHEATER! YOU TRAINED HIM! NO COMANDS!" Damian gave his girlfriend of three years a smug smirk.

"You never said that before hand. I win. Now about your costume, I had a thought..." Damian appraoched, Jerry in his arms. He whispered in Marinette's ear, she blushed when she heard his request.

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