Chapter 6

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Jess POV

I walk out of Eva's room and walk to my room when I hear Katie speak

"Yo dipshit that's where you are" "everything okay"

"Yes just you never told me what happened with you and Eva like you said you would"

"Did I not I thought I did" I say and walk in my room

She follows me into my room.

"Can't you just tell me you said you would" "pleaseeeeeeeee" she begs "fine"

We sit down on my bed and I start telling her.

"Well we first kissed the other night and that's what you interrupted" I say and Katie squeals and jumps up and down

"AHH YOU'VE KISSED YOU'VE KISSED" katie shouts "yes we have now keep your voice down"

"I knew I interrupted something the other night" "yes you did it was annoying" I say

"Anyway leave I need to get ready" I say "ooh where are you going" "I don't know Eva's taking me out somewhere" "cute" she beams

"Yes I know now leave" "alright I'm going"

"Have fun tonight" she says as she leaves "thanks I'll tell you what happens" "you better dipshit" she shouts from the hall

I have a shower and then get ready.

Eva POV 

"So where are you taking her" Anna asks as she comes and lays on my bed

"Well I know her favourite food is Italian so I'm taking her to that Italian restaurant down the road" "it's really nice in there I went the other week with Katie and Sab"

"I don't know weather or not to tell her how I feel boon" "it's up to you Eva whatever makes you feel happy"

"Well telling her would make me feel happy but I'm scared she doesn't like me and she's just like Connor"

"Whoa no no no Jess is not like that I know it's hard for you to not feel what your feeling after Connor but you've got to see that Jess would never do that" "I know I'm still just worried" I say

"Well then leave it for now then tell her when your ready" "I guess your right anyway I need to get ready"

"I'll let you get ready but tell me how it goes" Anna says "I will"

She leaves my room and I get ready.


"You ready to go" I say as Jess comes downstairs "yes let's go"

We get in my car and I start driving to the restaurant.

"So where are we going" Jess asks "you really want to know" "yes please"

"Well I remembered that your favourite food is Italian food so we're going to the Italian restaurant down the road" "your actually the cutest" she squeals and I feel myself blush slightly

We arrive at the restaurant and I get out my car and quickly run to the passenger side to open the door for Jess.

"Thank you" she smiles

We go in the restaurant and are seated at our table.

We then order food and start talking.

"So how long have you been in LA" Jess asks "only a couple of months but I absolutely love it although it was hard leaving my family I guess it's harder for you though as they live that much further away"

"I'll miss my family like crazy but I know that if I didn't take this opportunity then I'd regret it"

"Well I'm glad you've moved here" I say "really" "of course I would've never of met you otherwise" she blushes at what I say

Just then our food arrives and we eat our food.

After we've eaten my phone buzzes I look and see it's a message from my ex Connor.

Hey I miss you

I go as white as a sheet of paper and Jess notices.

"Eva are you okay you've gone really pale"

"Oh yeah I'm fine" "is it something on your phone" she says "what no like I said I'm fine" "right" she says really slowly not looking convinced

"Um I'll pay for our food" she says "what no it was my idea to bring you out so please let me pay" "are you sure" "yes" I say "okay thank you"

I pay for our food and then we get back in my car and start driving back to nach.

"Thank you for tonight I really enjoyed it" she says "well thank you for letting me take you out your pretty good company"

"only pretty good company" "okay your the best company" I say and kiss her

We arrive back at nach and I kiss her on the cheek before we get out the car.

We walk back into the house and I freeze as I see who is standing in the living room.

"Co- Connor" 

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