Chapter 114

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Jess POV

"I need to go to Canada" I say and the girls look at me in shock

"I remember" I beam

"I remember everything about Eva and every memory I have with her"

The girls smile widely and hug me.

"Go pack we'll book your flight" Daisy smiles

"Thank you"

I run upstairs and start packing some clothes into a suitcase.

I then have a shower and change into sweats and a hoodie.

I go back downstairs and see the girls.

"We've booked a flight" Emma smiles

"Thank you guys" I beam and hug them

"I love you all"

"We love you too" they beam

"I'll take you" Anna says

"Thanks boon"

I say one last goodbye to the girls and then leave the house and get in Anna's car.

"You excited" Anna asks

"Yeah I am"



"What if she never remembers me" I cry

"She will sweetie" my mom says

"You just need to give her time" my dad says

"But she's remembered most of the others but not me"

"It can take a while to get memory back"

"But I just want her to have her memory of me back now" I cry and hug my mom

"I know you do sweetie but sometimes it takes a while"

"Why don't we go out" my sister Beth suggests

"No I don't want to I'm just going to watch anime in bed"

I get up off the couch and go through to the kitchen and grab some ice cream, I then go up to my room and put anime on.

As I'm watching anime I hear Beth start squealing excitedly.

I want to go down but knowing her it's probably nothing.

Jess POV

"Oh my god" some girl starts squealing as she opens the door

"What are you doing here" she asks

"Who are you" I ask

"Eva's sister Beth"

"Oh right well nice to see you again even though I can't remember you" I smile and she hugs me

"What are you doing here" Beth asks

"I remembered everything with Eva so I was um wondering if she's in"

"Yes she is she's upstairs in her room" Beth squeals


"I figure you might not remember so this is my mom and my dad" Beth says and introduces me to them both

"Hey Mr and Mrs Cudmore" I smile

"It's lovely to see you again" Mrs Cudmore smiles and hugs me

I'd love to say the same thing but I can't remember her.

"Now go see Eva" Mr Cudmore smiles

"Eva's room is the one on the left" Beth smiles

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