Chapter 25

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I go to Anna's room and knock on the door.

"Come in" she shouts

I walk in and see Anna laying on her bed with Katie and Karina.

"I can't believe fucking Sab" Katie says

"That's what I've come to talk to you about well and Jess"

"Oh no has she taken it badly" Anna asks

"I haven't told her" I say

"What do you mean you haven't told her Connor's going to be here soon" Karina says

"Yes I know but she got really upset about not being happy and I've managed to cheer her up a bit but I know if I tell her Connor's coming that will bring her mood back down"

"Shit um maybe one of us should tell her" Anna suggests

"I can do it" Katie says

"Nope definitely not coming from you" I say "what why" "you'll probably say something ridiculous"

"I think you should do it Eva as it is probably best coming from you" Karina says

"Yeah your right"

"Wait no guys I have a plan" Anna says

"What is it" Katie asks

"So first Eva tells Jess about Connor coming here and I think we all know she's going to be upset so then we pull a Katie and me, Karina and Katie will burst into her room" Anna says

"Well keep going because that's a pretty shit plan if that's all you've got" I say

"Alright calm down I'm getting there so once we're in there we just all try and cheer her up and then suggest maybe going out for food and going to the beach or shopping or whatever she wants as long as she goes out" Anna says

"That's actually an alright idea" Katie says "yeah okay we'll do it" I say

Just then my phone goes and it's Jess.

"Okay right I'll see you guys in a bit" "I hope it goes well" Katie says as I leave Annas room

I walk into Jess's room and then into the bathroom.

"Hey bub" "hey baby" she says

"How was your leg in the shower" I ask "it stung"

Jess sits down and then I clean her leg where the cuts are, god it was bad.

"Shit" she shouts as I clean "I know it hurts bub but it's going to help heal it"

I then rewrap her leg .

"Thanks baby" she says and kisses me "your welcome"

"Actually bub I need to talk to you about something" I say as we lay down on her bed

"You sound serious your not like breaking up with me are you"

"No of course not bub I could never do that" I say "then what is it"

"Well um Connor's coming over um Sab invited him over she wanted to film with him and Coop"

I see her immediately fill with rage which I was not expecting.

"What the actual fuck why would she do that she's knows that's your ex you don't just invite them round when you live here" she shouts and stands up

"I know bub but it's okay" "No Eva it's not okay you don't do something like that" she starts walking away

"Where are you going" "to find fucking Sab" she shouts

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