Chapter 38

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Me and Jess hadn't been in the house two seconds before Sab dragged her away.

I was nervous I have this feeling something's not right.

I sigh and then sit down next to Dev on the couch.

"You okay Eva you look worried" Dev asks

"It's Sab she's being so weird especially with Jess"

"That's becuas-" Madi starts but quickly stops herself

"What was that Madi" I ask "oh nothing" "right"

"Eva your probably just overthinking" Katie says


Jess POV

Sab drags me outside and we sit by the pool.

"What is it Sab you've been acting weird" I ask

"Okay well I don't really know how to say this so I'm just going to say it" she starts

"Just whatever you do don't take this the wrong way" she says "right okay just tell me Sab"

"So the other week I told you I broke up with Cooper because I liked someone and that someone is you Jess" she says and I start choking on air

"This has to be a prank Sab"

"You fuckers can come out now" I shout

Sab grabs my arm and I look at her.

"Jess I'm being serious I really like you I have since I first met you and I've tried to control my feelings but I can't Jess"

"Sab I'm with Eva I love that girl and I'm sorry but no I don't like you not in that way" I say

"I know but don't you think we have something"

"No I don't I'm sorry Sab"

"What about this"

She grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss but I immediately pull back.

"What the fuck Sab no I don't like you your going to have to get used to that" I shout

I stand up and go to run inside but she stops me.

"Sab please I don't like-"

"I know just promise you won't tell anyone especially Eva please" she begs

"Okay I won't I promise"

I then walk away leaving her out there on her own.

I see everyone in the living room.

I run over to Katie.

"Katie can we talk" I ask "um sure"

"Is everything okay bub" Eva asks "yeah I just need to ask Katie something"

I walk upstairs with Katie and go in her room.

"Jess what's wrong what happened with Sab your acting weird" Katie asks

"Okay okay so something happened" I say panicked

"Whoa calm down what is it"

"Katie Sab fucking likes me" I spit out and she looks at me in shock

"What the fuck" she says

"I know and obviously I said I don't like her in that way and told her I'm with Eva and that I love Eva and then she- she kissed me Katie"

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