Chapter 116

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*Three day's later


This is awful.

I actually hate camping.

Jess also hates camping.

In fact Jess has barely spoken for the past two days.

I know that's because she's really tired and then when she's tired she's get's grumpy which leads to the slightest thing making her snap so I know she's not speaking because she doesn't want to accidentally snap at my parents.

"I'm so fucking sick of camping" Jess groans as she wakes up

"I barely slept I'm so fucking tired" she groans


"Girls get up we're going on a hike" my dad says

I look over at Jess and I can tell she is not impressed.

"Okay" I say

"I'm not coming" Jess huffs


"What be happy that I've managed to survive three days camping" she snaps

"Shit sorry"

"It's okay" I say and smile weakly

Jess really hates camping, she seems to hate it more than me which seems impossible especially as she was so up beat about it on our first night here.

I guess she didn't want to upset my parents, which is cute.

"I hate this" she groans

"I'm going to get us out of this today we'll go back I promise" I smile

"Really" Jess says her face lighting up


"I love you" she smiles

"I love you more" I beam and kiss her

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask are you warm enough" she asks

"Yeah I am"

"You promise"

"I promise" I smile and hold out my pinky for her to shake with hers which she does so

"Sorry for not really speaking the last couple of day's" Jess says

"It's okay I understand I'm sorry my parents thought it would be a good idea to come camping"

"Well it would've been if we both enjoyed camping" Jess says and I giggle

I get up and leave the tent and find my parents.

"Me and Jess aren't coming today" I say

"Oh okay" my mom says

"You don't mind"

"No of course not you girls can do whatever"

"Well then can we go back home" I ask

"No because you'll be home alone"

"Mom I'm eighteen"

"Yes and the last time we left you alone you almost set fire to the house" she says

"I was fourteen" I exclaim

"And anyway Jess is nineteen and can be trusted" I continue to say

"Yes she might be by her mum but I'm not taking any risks"

"Please mom" I beg

"I can't camp any longer"

"Okay fine" she says and my face breaks out into a huge smile

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