Chapter 26

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Jess POV

"Where do you guys wanna go then" I ask "why don't we go get food and then go to the beach" Anna suggests "sounds good"

We all grab a swimsuit and I grab my car keys.

"I'll go see if Karina wants to come with us" Anna says

Me, Eva and Katie go to my car and wait for Anna to either come with back with or without Karina.

"SHOTGUN" Katie screams and runs to the passenger side of my car.

"Sorry baby" I say to Eva "It's fine" she says and kisses me

"You two stop being cute and get into the car" Katie shouts

Me and Eva get into my car and wait for Anna.

"Let's make a tiktok whilst we wait" Katie says

We make a tiktok and Katie posts it right as Anna get's into the car with Karina.

"Jess I'd apologise to Sab" Karina says as she get's into the car "nice to see you too" I reply

"Anyway I was going to but these guys said it's best to let her calm down but also she needs apologise she tried to punch me" "because you wound her up" "only because it was fun and anyway she was the one that first brought netball into the conversation so I brought her acting into it" I say

"It was pretty petty" Karina says


"Yeah your right I'm sorry Jess" Karina says "I'm sorry too"

"Right now let's go I don't fancy being sat in your car Jess in the driveway for the rest of the day" Anna says

"AYO LET'S GO" Katie shouts at the top of her lungs as I start my car

As I start to drive out the driveway Connor pulls into the driveway and me, Anna, Katie and Karina glare at him and stick our finger up.

"Okay that may have been petty but I don't give a shit" I say and we all laugh

"Where do you guys want to go for food" I ask

"Let's go to chipotle" Eva suggests

I start driving to chipotle and Katie starts playing music through the aux.

Considering how I felt this morning and how angry I got at Sab I'm actually feeling okay not happy but okay and being around Eva well and everyone else except Sab is helping.

We arrive at chipotle and go inside.

"Well guys my plan didn't quite go to plan but we are going to the beach as planned" Anna says and the girls laugh and I give them all a confused look

"What plan" I ask confused

"Well bub I didn't really know the best way to tell you about Connor so I came to these guys for help and Anna had a good plan but it didn't go the way we expected" Eva says

"What was this plan I'm intrigued" I say

"So like I thought when you got told about Connor you would be upset so with this in mind me, Katie and Karina were going to burst into the room and help cheer you up and then suggest going out for food and going to the beach to get out" Anna says

"But it completely backfired on us because you got really mad instead" Karina says

"Not that I'm complaining though your really hot when your mad" Eva says and I smile

"So I'm not hot normally" I smirk "what yeah you are but your even hotter when your mad" Eva says and I kiss her and then we hear gagging noises

"Your both cute and all but we are here guys" Anna says

"Yeah I don't fancy bringing my food back up" Karina says and I flip her off

"But anyway that explains why you were all standing by the door" I say and they all nod

"Although boon your plan really did backfire on you the most you went flying when dipshit barged past us" Katie laughs

"Yeah boon you took the brunt of it and like I say I am sorry about that" I say "It's fine it's funny" she laughs

"RIGHT GUYS LET'S GO TO THE BEACH" Katie once more shouts at the top of her lungs and we get a few funny looks off people

"Katie you might want to quiet down a bit we are inside with the public who probably don't appreciate people shouting" Eva says and Katie just shrugs her shoulders

We pay for our food and then drive to the beach.

We all go into the sea and start splashing each other.

After about half an hour I see Eva shivering.

"You want to get out baby" I ask and she nods her head

I hold her hand and we walk out the sea and back to our stuff Eva then changes and I pass her my hoodie.

"You'll need it more than me" "Thanks bub"

I sit down on the sand with her and she rests her head on my shoulder as we watch Anna, Karina and Katie all try and get on top of each others shoulders.

"That is not going to end well" Eva giggles "It really isn't" as I say this Katie falls and lands in the sea there was a massive slap as her stomach hit the water

"Fuck that must of hurt" I say

Rather than them giving up they keep trying.

"Are you okay after earlier" Eva asks "do you mean this morning or my argument with Sab"

"This morning mainly" "I'm a bit better hanging out with all of you has helped and especially you Eva thank you for this morning and thank you for everything" I say and smile at her

"Of course bub and I want you to know that you make me the happiest person ever and I know you may not feel like it right now but to me you are perfect" she says and I blush

She goes in to kiss me and as I kiss her back when I feel water being flicked at us.

I pull away and see Katie laughing.

"You two can't keep your hands off each other" she laughs and I flip her off

"How's your stomach that looked like it hurt when you fell in the sea" Eva asks

"It's okay but did you not see us we managed to do it next time Jess your joining"


"We should probably go back it's getting late" Anna says as she comes back over

We get ready to go and then get back to my car.

We all sing along to the music Katie starts playing as I drive back to nach.

We arrive back and I park my car.

"Thanks for the best day guys I've had fun" I say

"I'm glad you've had a good day and you are feeling okay" Anna says

"And remember we all love you" Karina says

"I love you all too" I say and hug them all

"Oh god guys let's go inside before we get too soppy" Katie laughs

We walk inside and Anna and Katie go up to their rooms and Karina goes with dev to make tiktoks.

I see Sab sat outside by the pool.

"Baby I'm going to go apologise to Sab" I say "Okay good luck bub I'll be in the living room if you need me" she says

I kiss her cheek and then go outside.

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