Chapter 98

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"Why aren't you annoyed Eva" Sab shouts

"Sab you need to calm down" I say

"Yeah Sab Evan has a point" Dev says

"They just fucking kissed in a Tiktok" Sab shouts

It was the next day and Sab was once again annoyed about Jess and Emma.

Jess and Emma had made loads of Tiktoks last night on their spam accounts and on a few but of them they kissed.

It is weird to see Jess kiss someone else but she's happy which makes me happy.

Sab on the other hand can't get over it.

You'd think it was Sab that dated Jess for seven months not me.

"I bet they fucked each other last night" Sab huffs

"You jealous Sab" Izzy asks

"No never"

"Sab this isn't bothering Eva so I don't know why it's bothering you so much" Katie says

Sab just ignores Katie and goes up to her room.

"She is definitely jealous" Anna laughs


Jess POV

I wake up in the morning with Emma in my arms.

I look and see she is awake and on her phone looking at my Snapchat story.

She was looking at the picture I put of me and her on there last night.

"Morning" I smile

She turns in my arms and looks up at me.

"Morning" she beams and plants a kiss on my lips

"You sleep well" I ask

"Yeah I did, did you"

"Yes thanks"

I sit up and lean against the headboard, and Emma straddles me.

"Last night was amazing" she beams

"You don't regret it"

"Why would I"

"We fucked on the first night we spent together, I just don't want you to regret it" I say

"Jess I wouldn't have said yes if I thought I would regret it"

"I don't regret it at all" she smiles and so do I

"Neither do I"

I lean in and kiss her gently.

"What are we doing today" I ask as I pull away from the kiss

"I'm taking you out for breakfast and then I thought we could spend the day at the beach and then for dinner we can do whatever you want but then in the evening we can have like a firepit on the beach or on the the terrace bit of the suite and watch the sunset"

"That sounds amazing I'm excited" I beam and so does she

She leans in and kisses me once more and I kiss her back passionately.

I flip us over so I was on top and reattach our lips.

I suck on her bottom lip and she allows me entrance.

A slight moan escapes her lips as I explore her mouth with my tongue.

I then attach my lips to her neck and find her sweet spot.

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