Chapter 125

891 29 14

*Two weeks later

Jess POV

"I fucking hate you" Eva screams at me and shoves me out my room and slams the door shut

I just sigh and walk downstairs.

It's been like this for the past week, Eva's hurting and is angry and her anger is getting taken out on me.

"What's happened now" Anna asks as I walk into the living room

"You heard her"

"I think the whole of LA did dipshit" Katie says

"Oh right well anyway she got annoyed at me because I told her she has counselling today" I say

"She got that angry" Daisy says in shock

"Yeah, I know she doesn't mean to take her anger out on me but it does hurt hearing her say stuff like that"

"That's understandable" Anna says

"Why doesn't she want to go to counselling" Katie asks

"She thinks I can do it but I can't and I keep telling her that but it doesn't seem to be working" I reply

"Oh right"

"I go to court in a couple of days as well and I think she's really worried about that"

Just then Eva slowly walks into the living room.

I look up at her and I can see she's clearly been crying.


"I'm sorry I didn't mean it" she sniffs and hugs me tightly

"I know you didn't"

"You forgive me"

"Of course I do baby" I smile and kiss her head

She goes back upstairs and I turn around to look at Anna and Katie.

"It's not okay Jess for her to do that" Katie says

"But she's struggling" I say

"Yeah we know but she can't keep screaming and shouting at you can she" Anna says

"Well no but there's nothing I can do because she'll just continue to do it"

"Look it's how my life is at the moment" I continue to say

"But it's not fair" Anna says

"I know it's not boon but she needs me"

"Tell us honestly dipshit how does it feel when she says stuff like that to you" Katie asks

"Fucking shit, to be honest it does hurt" I admit

"You need to tell her it's hurting you" Anna says

"No that will upset her" I say

"But her treating you like this is upsetting her" Katie says

I just roll my eyes and grab my car keys.

"Jess you can't just leave and run away from your problems" Anna says

"I can and I will" I say and storm off


I'm laying in Jess's bed watching TV when Anna and Katie burst through the door.

"This needs to stop" Anna says

"What does" I say confused

"You being horrible to Jess" Anna says

"Evan it's hurting her" Katie says and I just look down

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