Chapter 12

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Jess POV

I wake up from my nap to see all the girls in my bed with me, well all of them except Eva she obviously wasn't back yet.

"What are you all doing in my bed" I ask stretching

"Well we came to see if you were okay but then you were asleep so we decided to have one big cuddle with you" Madi replies "you guys are sweet"

"We brought you up some water and some ibuprofen incase your heads still hurting" Anna says "thanks"

I grab the water and the ibuprofen off my nightstand, I pop two pills in my mouth and then swallow them with the water.

"You want McDonald's" Katie asks "Katie I can only just keep toast down so I don't think I want McDonald's just yet maybe in a couple of days time" I say

I talk with the girls for another half hour until they go back downstairs and I was now in my room just with Katie.

"So you and Eva friends again" she asks "yeah of course I don't really know what I'd do without her to be honest"

"And do you still like her" "of course I do I can't just switch my feelings off for her"

"Are you going to tell her" "yeah in a few days time the doctor said the drug will definitely be out my system in 48 hours time which is Friday so I'm going to take her out Saturday" "oh my god yesssss" Katie squeals

Just then we hear the girls laughing with someone and it sounds like Eva.

"Ooh Eva's back and I'm sure she'll be up here any second so I'll leave you to it" Katie says and hugs me before leaving my room.


I get back to nach from my meetings and laugh with the girls before going up to Jess's room.

I go in her room to see her on her phone she looked a lot brighter than she did earlier.

"Hey" she beams "how are you feeling" I ask

"A lot better actually I had a nap whilst you were gone and Anna gave me some ibuprofen for my headache" "I'm glad your feeling better" I say as I lay down on her bed with her

"I actually got you your favourite candy or should I say sweets" I say and she giggles "that's so cute"

"Yeah but then I realised after I bought them you can't really eat them yet" "well I can save then until I can" she says "true"

"Actually Eva I wanted to ask you something" she says looking directly at me and my heart starts beating faster I would be surprised if she couldn't hear it

"What is it"

"I um wondered if I could take you out Saturday" she asks nervously "of course I would love that" I say and her face lights up

She wraps me into a hug and I hug her back.


"Eva stop messing it up" Anna squeals at the top of her lungs and I hear Jess giggle

Me and Anna were trying to film a tiktok but I kept messing the dance up.

"Okay one last try"

We start the tiktok and get all the way to the end where I mess it up.

"EVAAAAAAA" she shouts and slaps my arm lightly

"Right that's it Jess your doing it" Anna says grabbing Jess's arm and pulling her up

"Whoa you sure that's a good idea" I say "Eva I'll be fine it's a 20 second dance and if I throw up I'll throw up on and Anna and blame her"

"Okay only if your sure" "positive I'll be fine"

I sit down and watch them set up the tiktok, they do the dance first try.

I gasp and my mouth hangs open.

"Shut your mouth you'll catch flies" she says

"Bu- ho- how did you do that first try" I gasp

"Because she can dance unlike some" Anna says and I stick my finger up at her causing her to laugh

"I love you Eva but from now on when I want to do a dancing video with someone I'm going to Jess first" Anna smiles "fine by me" I say

They come and sit back down on the couch and Anna puts her legs over me and Jess.

"I really want Don's" Anna says "get some then" Jess replies

"But that's not fair on you you can't eat it" "Anna luv life ain't fair at times" Jess says and I giggle

"What" she asks "you went so Britsh" I Iaugh "oh shut up" she says jokingly

"But seriously though Anna get Don's and you Eva if you want it" "are you sure" I say "positive but like get me a drink please"

"What drink" Anna asks as she orders the food "anything just not water" "okay"

Anna orders the food and it arrives 20 minutes later.

Me and Anna eat it and Jess drinks her drink.

"I'm going to go to bed night guys" Jess says

"Night Jess sleep well and I hope you feel better in the morning" Anna says "thanks boon"

"I'll come with you" I say "okay"

We go up to her room and get ready for bed, we then get into her bed and she cuddles up to me.

"Night Jess" "night Eva"

She quickly falls asleep but I lie there awake thinking.

Thinking about how I still really like her and that I need to tell her how I feel, maybe I'll tell her Saturday when she takes me out.

Eventually I manage to fall asleep.

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