Chapter 24

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We were now on the third Harry Potter movie, I look down to my chest to see Jess fast asleep.

"I'm going to take her up to bed" I say

"Yeah maybe we'll have another movie night soon" Sab says "sounds good"

I pick Jess up.

"Night guys" "night" everyone says

I carry Jess upstairs and into her room.

I lay her down on her bed and cover her with blankets.

I get into bed with her and hold her in my arms.


I wake up in the morning with Jess still in my arms, she was sleeping peacefully so I decide to let her sleep.

I get out of her bed and change into some of her sweatpants and a hoodie and then go downstairs.

"How's Jess this morning" Sab asks

"She's still asleep so I thought I would make her breakfast for when she wakes up" "that's sweet"

I start making Jess's favourite, pancakes.

"Eva" Sab says "yeah"

"Not to alarm you or anything but um Connor's coming over today" "WHAT" I shout and look at her in disbelief

"I'm sorry it was my idea I wanted to film with Connor and Coop" "and you couldn't go anywhere else" "clearly not"

"Katie have you heard this" I say as she walks into the kitchen "heard what"

"That Sab has invited Connor over" "WHAT THE FUCK" Katie shouts which causes Anna and Karina to run through

"Katie what are you shouting about" Karina asks "Well-" "No Katie I think we should let Sab explain" I say cutting Katie off and look at Sab in which she rolls her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes Sab this is your fault" Katie says

"Can someone just explain please" Anna asks

"Okay I fucking invited Connor round I'm filming with him" she spits

"Sab are you out of your mind" Anna shouts

"Sab A. that's Eva's ex so it's just weird and you don't do it like it's disrespectful and B. I don't think it's going to make Jess feel great knowing her girlfriends ex is coming round" Karina says

"Sab I don't think you would like it if I invited one of your ex's round" I say


I don't say anything I just carry on making Jess's pancakes.

I finish making the pancakes and then top them with maple syrup and blueberries.

"Eva I'm sorry" Sab says as I pick the plate of pancakes up.

"Have fun today" I shout as I walk upstairs

I get into Jess's room and see her awake and on her phone, her face lights up when she see's me.

"Good morning beautiful" she says "morning bub how are you feeling" I say sitting on her bed

"My leg hurts but you mean mentally don't you" "well yeah"

"If I said I was happy would it make you happy" "well yeah it would but I can tell when your lying so I know if you said you were happy now you'd be lying"

"Okay in all honesty I don't know how I feel like I'm not unhappy but I sure as hell aren't happy" she says sighing

"It will be okay bub" "how though I just want to be happy" "and you will one day" I say

"But I should be now like you're my girlfriend and you're the best girlfriend I've ever had, you treat me like I'm the only girl in the world and make me feel wanted and I can trust you and the way I feel about you well I've never felt that way before like we have this amazing connection but even that's not enough to make me happy" she says and starts to cry and my heart breaks for her.

I wrap my arms around her and she buries her head into the crook of my neck.

"I just want to be fucking happy" she sobs into my neck and I now feel myself start to cry.

"It's going to be okay bub I promise" I say reassuringly

She looks up at me and see's that I'm crying.

"I didn't mean to make you cry as well" she says and wipes my tears away

"I don't know what I'd do without you here you know" she sniffs "I know I'm just so amazing"

"Don't get too cocky" she giggles

"See look there's your cute giggle" I say and she blushes "and blush"

"stoooooop" she whines as she blushes even harder causing me to laugh

"I take all them things back I just said about you" she says crossing her arms and I gasp

"I'm kidding I meant it all and more but I don't want you to flatter yourself so I ain't saying it"

"you ain't saying it" I giggle "oh shut up" she says jokingly

She cups my cheeks with her hands and kisses me.

As she pulls away she speaks.

"But seriously I want you to know I did mean all that" she says and kisses me once more

"Hey look you managed to cheer me up a bit" she says "That's what I'm here for well and other things but like right now I'm here to make you feel that little bit happier " I say and kiss her on the forehead

"Are those pancakes for me" she asks curiously looking at the plate of pancakes that are next to me

"No I thought I would make them and then eat them in front of you" I say "oh right"

"Of course there for you" I say and her face lights up "thanks baby your the best" she beams as she takes the pancakes and starts eating them.

Oh god how am I going to tell her about Connor.

Fuck it's going to upset her and with the way she's feeling today, I've only just managed to make her feel a little bit better.

"Baby" Jess says snapping me out of my thoughts "oh sorry I was lost in thought"

"Well thanks for the pancakes" "your welcome"

"Have you taken your meds" I ask "no" she mumbles and looks away

"Bub I know you don't want to but they'll make you feel a bit better" "I know your right"

She grabs her meds and a bottle of water off her nightstand and takes her meds.

"Well done bub" I say and kiss her

"I'm um going to get in the shower but err can you help me clean rewrap my leg once I'm out" She asks "of course I can I um need to speak to boon quick but phone me when your out" "of course"

She kisses me before going into her bathroom.

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