Chapter 4: Yuuei High

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I took Mineta out of the story. You're welcome in advance.

"So this is class 1.A." Sans looks up at the large door for the class he'll be in for the entire year.

He goes to open the door when he suddenly hears Katsuki's voice. "Sounds like Izuku made it, that's a relief."

Sans walks into the room and Izuku immediately runs behind him in fear. Katsuki is about to scream at Sans, but he stops, and for the first time that Sans can remember, Katsuki talks in both a calm, and non cocky voice.

"Oh... Comic... I heard about your score... Just know that I will catch up, and surpass you. I'm going to be number one, not you." Katsuki says this and walks back to his seat.

"Wow, I thought for sure he was gonna try to start a fight. Funny that he wouldn't." Sans walks to an empty seat, and sits down.

Sans is about to dose off, but before he does he feels a hand rap his shoulder. He looks behind him and sees Kyouka.

"Hey Sans, what's up?" Kyouka says as she sits down in the desk beside Sans'. She gives him a smirk. "Thanks for saving me the other day. I owe ya one bone head."

"No problem."

"If you're here to make friends then you can just pack up and leave."

Kyouka and Sans turn their heads toward the voice, and they see... "A caterpillar!?" Izuku exclaims.

"Izuku, it's a person. They just look like a caterpillar. A very sleep deprived caterpillar." Sans smiles as he looks at the man in front of them. "I'm pretty sure he's our homeroom teacher."

"Good observation." The man unzips his sleeping bag and gets up. He stands up and puts eye drops in his eyes. "You're Comic Sans correct?"

"Yes sir, that would be me." Sans says with a grin. "And you're Aizawa Sensei right?"

"Yeah, that's me." Aizawa Sensei responds. " Everyone listen up, put in your gym uniform and meet me outside."

Once they were in the locker rooms. Sans realized that he would have to take his shirt off in order to change. He hesitates at first, but eventually decides to just get it over with.

"Woah... What happened to your back?" Someone with spiky red hair asks in a concerned tone.

Sans looks down and smiles. His entire body is covered in scars. Most of them include claw marks and stab wounds. The scar that looks the worst is a large slash that goes from his left shoulder, all the way to his right hip.

"Well... I've been through a thing or two. I'm sure that you guys understand..." Sans quickly gets changed and leaves as soon as he can.

"Alright now that everyone is here, Bakugou could you step up?" Mr. Aizawa pulls out a clip board as he says this. He looks over as Bakugou walks up.

"How far could you throw a ball in Junior High?" Aizawa asks in a bored tone.

"67 meters if I remember correctly." Katsuki says as he grins a little, probably seeing where this was going.

"Throw this ball, but use your quirk as well. Other schools have been trying to focus on making sure that those that don't have impressive quirks feel like they aren't at a disadvantage." Aizawa looks at the other students and nods. "Here at Yuuei we believe in letting those that have potential to shine as bright as they can."

Katsuki pulls his arm back, and throws the ball, but as he does so he adds and explosion to the throw. "Die!!!!" The ball listens to the explosive teen's request, getting burnt and sent flying away from Katsuki.

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