Chapter 7: Class President?

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About a week after the Dust incident, Sans has fully recovered and is going back to class.

"Hey Sans!" Sans looks behind him and sees Kyouka waving to him. Sans smiles and waves back.

"Hey Kyouka. Did ya miss me?" Sans walks to his desk and sits down. As he does so, the entire class runs up to him, with the exception of Katsuki and Shouto.

Kyouka nods. "Yeah..." Then she notices that Sans isn't wearing Papyrus's scarf anymore. "Hey, where is your scarf?"

Sans says "Oh, I decided to let Dust keep it. It's something personal for him." Despite Sans missing Papyrus, he can tell that Dust is constantly tortured about something involving the taller of the two brothers. He decided that Dust needs the scarf more than him.

"Dude, are you okay!? I heard about what happened, were you really possessed!?" Eijiro asks with a worried expression.

Sans grins and chuckles a bit. So that was the story they were all told? He leans back in his chair and says, "Well yes, but no. Would you like to meet Dust?"

Everyone steps back a bit. They're scared of Dust, and they have every right to, but Dust isn't all that bad. Sans closes his eyes and when they open, Dust is in control. "Sup?"

Shouto is visibly bothered by the presence of Dust and even scoots his desk back a little bit. Dust notices this and sighs. "Yo Todoroki, I wanna say I'm sorry about what I did, from what I hear, you just returned to class two days ago. I'm sorry I did that to you."

Shouto nods and goes back to his own thing. While the rest of the class take a look at Dust's eyes.

"Woah dude, your eyes are wicked!" Hanta exclaims as the class continues to get closer to Sans'/Dust's desk.

"T-thanks I guess. I'm gonna just... You know... Let the other me be in control now." Dust closes his eyes, and when they open, Sans is back.

Sans looks around at everyone still crowding his desk. "So... What did you guys think of him?" He's worried that the class would be scared of Dust, hopefully they weren't.

"He was so cool!" Eijiro exclaims.

"He was so kind!" Izuku smiles as he gives Sans a thumbs up.

"He was alright for an extra I guess." Katsuki says from his desk.

"Thank All Might. You all liked him." Sans sighs in relief. "So what have I missed this week?" Sans asks while he grabs a notebook from his bag.

"Well today we're choosing who we want as our Class President." Izuku and Kyouka say in unison.

"Yeah, votes are already in, except for yours of course." Eijiro informs with a smile.

"Oh, well I guess I should choose who to vote for." Sans grins as he remembers what Izuku did when Bakugou was attacked by the slime villain.

Sans is given a slip of paper and is told to write down the name of the person he's voting for. He knows who he wants to vote for, but he decides that it's only fair if he gets Dust's opinion on the matter as well.

"Hey Dust, what do you think?" Sans says to Dust through the mental connection they share. "I'm thinking Izuku."

"I agree. That Midoriya guy is definitely something else, he deserves the position." Dust responds in a tired voice.

"Alright, we decided." Sans hands in his slip and walks back to his desk as Aizawa Sensei prepares to read the number of votes.

Not counting the people that didn't get any votes, the results were:

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