--Season 2-- Chapter 7: Camp Assault

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Sans yawns as he looks at his team. A bunch of losers if you asked him. Hopefully they'll make up for personality with power.

"Alright everyone. You all know the drill." Sans says. "We get in and find Shouto. If you all stick to your roles then this should go well. King is already working on whatever it is Tomura is having him do, so he won't be able to help us. Any questions?"

The entire team responds with "No sir." Sans nods and the group heads out. They use one of Kurogiri's portals to transport them right into the camp. They appear in the perfect spot. A nearby cliff directly by the camp.

The camps itself is pretty basic. Trees cover a large amount of the area, cabins are located at the far back of the campus, there's a pavilion in the center, as well as a teacher and counselor area. However, if all goes according to plan, none of that will be left standing when it's all over.

"Let's move out. Dabi, Twice. You're up." Sans motions towards his two teammates, and they nod and jump down to the forest below them. Soon the team can see blue flames spreading across the forest.

After that, the rest of the team spreads out, making their way to their own posts. Sans sighs as he makes his way to the center of the camp. His job is to cause as much chaos as possible. He looks into the air and fires off a Gaster Blaster, signaling the beginning of the assault.

"So you decided to show up?" Sans turns around and is met by a punch from Aizawa. Sans stumbles back and smiles. Suddenly Aizawa is enveloped in a blue aura. He's pushed into the ground and then sent flying into a tree.

"Hey Aizawa Sensei. It's been awhile hasn't it? I have so much to tell you, but no time at all." Sans' smirk grows larger. He's enjoying this so much. "I suppose I should still let you know that I'm doing better without you. I'm learning faster and improving at an exceptional rate."

He then runs a hand through his bone white hair and continues explaining. "I have control of Dust and Skelly now, and thanks to that all of my quirks have become so much more powerful and are way easier to use."

"I don't care at all for your monologuing. Just shut up and fight." Aizawa wraps his scarf around Sans, restraining him. However, Sans just uses his telekinesis to break free. Before Aizawa can even react, Sans summons a Gaster Blaster and fires at his old teacher.

When the smoke and dust clears, Aizawa is burned and unconscious. Blood covers his body and his scarf and clothing are nothing but ashes around his body now. Looking at him, Sans chuckles as he sees Aizawa's hair  partially burned as well.

Meanwhile, Dabi is fighting against Eijiro and Tenya. Although Dabi has both of his enemies beaten in the strength department, as well as skill. His quirk is effectively countered by the combination of Eijiro's defense and Tenya's offense.

"Damnit, I'm getting pushed back..." Dabi looks around and smiles as Twice walks out from behind a tree. By Twice's side are three clones of Dabi. Together, Twice and the clones attack Tenya. Twice kicks him in the chest and the clones burn him alive. Tenya Iida is no more...

"No, Iida!!!" Eijiro runs over to the burnt remains of his friend. "Don't die... Come on buddy, you can still make it."

Dabi chuckles and takes a step forward. "Too late. He's already gone." He puts a hand on Eijiro's shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up about it. There's nothing you could have done."

"How fucking dare you!? He wasn't even fully recovered from what Comic did to him!!! He didn't deserve to die!!!" Eijiro's body begins to harden, but it isn't doing it the way it normally does. It's going even further. His body becomes armor like, and certain parts of his body appear to have become sharper. His eyes glow red as he yells out "Kirishima... Unbreakable!"

Dabi attempts to make distance between them with a Jump, but before he can even make it off the ground he's grabbed by Eijiro and slammed into the ground. Dabi coughs up blood as he feels his bones break from the impact of Kirishima's attack.

"Damn, this isn't good..." Dabi chuckles. "Shit, I might actually die." Dabi's eyes begin to close, but just as they're about to, they shoot open. "No, fuck that. I can't die now, not when I'm so close to success!"

Dabi shoots fire directly into Eijiro's face, temporarily blinding him. Dabi then rolls to the side. Eijiro recovers quickly, and jumps for Dabi. His fingers graze Dabi's face, l having a large gash across the villain's cheek.

"Damn he's strong. Nothing I can't handle though." Dabi cracks his neck and lifts both of his hands. He then releases the largest attack so far. An enormous wall of blue flames slam into Eijiro, burning his body. Luckily for Eijiro, his quirk protected him from meeting the same fate as Tenya. "Let's finish this shall we?"

As all of this is happening, from a nearby cabin, Izuku is doing pull ups in his room. Seemingly not realizing exactly what is going on. He looks over as his door is suddenly opened. In the doorway stands Shouto. He seems out of breath, and he quickly informs Izuku of the situation. "Midoriya! Bad news, the camp is under attack from the League of Villains, and Comic is with them!"

Izuku's eyes light up as he hears this and he turns to Shouto. "How's the situation?"

"Not good, Aizawa is down, and Tenya..." Shouto looks down and closes his eyes. "It isn't looking good, from what I've heard."

Izuku grits his teeth and sighs. "Looks like I won't be able to keep my promise after all... Oh well, it's better this way." Izuku sighs again and does a quick stretch. "Let's go."


Hey guys, just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not publishing any chapters for so long. First I had writer's block, then I was just procrastinating, and then I got grounded for a week. So yeah, sorry. Anyways, criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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