--Season 2-- Chapter 11: Back To School

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"Welcome back." Aizawa says to Sans as he and the other villains walk into his classroom. All of the students in the class, which were previously talking among themselves, are now giving their full attention to Aizawa and the criminals. Sans looks down, not wanting to have any eye contact.

"Alright class, we have some new student's." Aizawa begins explaining. "I'm sure all of you got the notice about the inmates being given a second chance. Well, their second chance is us. All of them will introduce themselves. They will say their name, quirk, and kill count." Aizawa looks over to Dabi. "We'll start with you."

Dabi looks at the class and scoffs. "My name is Dabi. My quirk is called Cremation, and it allows me to emit a blue fire from my body. My kill count is sixty-nine."

"Your real name." Aizawa demands. Dabi glares at Aizawa.  Aizawa glares back and says "Your real name, or else."

"Fuck you." Dabi says to Aizawa. "You can't make me do shit." Suddenly, an electrical current is sent directly through Dabi's body, as well as the other inmates. Dabi and Sans fall to the ground in pain, Katsuki leans against the wall for support, and King tries to rip off the collar. However, the collar doesn't budge. Aizawa sighs and holds up a remote.

"If he won't tell you guys his full name, then I will. When he was imprisoned we had no files on the name Dabi, so we did some DNA tests. We now know that Dabi is actually Todoroki Touya, who was presumed as dead." Aizawa looks at Dabi and says "Find a seat. Next."

Next up is Katsuki. He walks up and sighs. "My name is Bakugou Katsuki. My quirk is Explosion, which let's me turn my sweat into explosions. My kill count is zero." Katsuki sighs again. "You guys probably all remember me, so I don't even see the point in doing this. Just a big waste of time if you ask me." Katsuki walks over to his old desk and sits down.

Next up is King. He walks up to the front and says "Hi. I'm Imasuji King, Just fall me King. My quirk is called Body Augmentation. I can freely manipulate any part of my body at will. My kill count is four." King finds a seat and sits down, he smiles and gives Sans a thumbs up.

Finally, it's Sans' turn. The white haired teen slowly walks to the front. He looks at Aizawa and then at the students of Class 1.A.. Sans takes a deep breath and says "Before I start, I would like to apologize. I've done some terrible things, and I wish I could take them back. I've killed people, and I've destroyed buildings. I don't know what to do anymore, but I'm going to try to figure that out. I'm going to find the right path for me, and I will atone for my sins."

Sans nervously looks at Aizawa, who just says "You're fine, keep going." With another deep breath, Sans continues.

"Look. I know that you all probably hate me. I understand that completely." Sans chokes up, and tears start to roll down his face. "I want to make it up to all of you, but I don't know how..." He wipes away his tears and looks directly at Izuku. "Izuku, I'm so sorry I put you through all this pain and suffering your feeling. I wish I could bring back our friends, but I can't."

Izuku's eyes widen as Sans runs up to him and hugs him tightly. "Please... Be yourself again. You don't have to suffer like this." Sans stands back up and looks at everyone else. "My name, is Comic Sans, but you all can just call me Sans. My quirks include: Bone Manipulation, which let's me control bones, as well as summon Gaster Blasters. Telekinesis, which let's me move objects with my mind. Pause, which allows me to freeze time as long as I stay calm. I also have a quirk called AU, which allows me to become alternate versions of myself, all of which have their own unique abilities as well."

Sans looks at Kyouka and smiles. "I hope I can make up for lost time with all of you." Sans goes to his old seat, but before he sits down, he's tackled by Kyouka. She hugs him so tight that he feels like his ribs are going to crack. He smiles and returns her hug with one of his own.

"I'm so glad you're back." Kyouka weeps. "I missed you so much."

"Yeah. Back at you." Sans says as Kyouka gets off of him. Sans sits down at his desk and Kyouka sits in her desk, right next to him.

"Alright class, back on topic." Aizawa says. "Due to concerns for your safety, all of the ex-criminals have shock collars. You all are going to be given a remote. This remote will allow you to activate their collars and shock them."

Aizawa passes the remotes to each student, other than Sans and the other criminals of course. As he passes them out, Sans can hear the students say things such as "Thanks god we have these", and "This is going to be helpful if they decide to attack us." Sans is obviously upset about these words, as they show him that his old friends aren't all happy to see him.

A little bit later through the day, lunch comes around. Sans grabs his food and walks over to an empty table. Sitting down, many people that were sitting at nearby tables get up and move further away from him. Sans just sighs and starts eating his food.

"Hey, Comic." Some random kid from General Education says. Sans turns to respond, but is punched in the face. Sans falls out of his chair and onto the ground. He feels his lip, and looks at his hand. Blood now covers his hand. He tries to get up, but is just kicked back down. "You're a villain. You don't deserve to be here with us, you deserve to be locked up in Tartarus."

Sans tries to get up again, but he just gets kicked again. This time by someone else. "Yeah, you shouldn't have ever come!" More and more students begin to join in, and they just keep beating him over, and over again. Someone from the crowd activates the shock collar, which hurts the other criminals well. Sans curls up and cries as he takes the beating.

Maybe they're right...

Maybe I don't deserve to be here...

I deserve this...

"Hey, what's going on?" Eijiro says as he walks through the crowd of people beating Sans. Outraged, Eijiro marches up to the group and throws them off of Sans. "I can't believe you guys!" Eijiro yells. "You can go. The villain, but you're the ones doing this!?"

The group doesn't listen to him, and instead they just yell out "He's siding with the villain!" Then, more people come form within the crowd. Kyouka, Katsuki, King, and even Dabi stand up for Sans. They stare down the group of bullies, and the bullies glare back. Both groups prepare to fight each other, but just as they're about to attack A large amount of teachers show up.

"What's happening here!" Aizawa yells. He looks at both groups and says, "All of you, my classroom. Now!" They all walk to Aizawa's class, with Eijiro giving Sans a piggyback ride.

Aizawa ends up giving a scolding to both sides. Telling the bullies that they shouldn't have acted the way they did, and that they would be getting detention. He tells Sans' group that they should have looked for a teacher to solve the issue, instead of trying to solve it with violence.

The school day ends and Sans walks to his house. On his way out the gate he sees a construction site. "Oh, looks like they're building something here. Cool."

Just as Sans walks out, Eijiro comes running to him. "Comic! Wait up!" Eijiro catches up to Sans and asks "Can I crash at your place? My folks already said it would be fine."

Sans hesitates, bit gives Eijiro a nod. The two of them begin to walk to Sans' house. On the way there, Sans says "Hey Eijiro, thanks for today."

Eijiro looks at Sans and says "Oh, no need to thank me, I was just doing what was right."

"Yeah, exactly. Not many people are like that. I... I admire you for that." Sans says nervously. "Eijiro, from now on, please call me Sans."

"Alright Sans, sounds good to me!"


Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter. Just wanted to tell you guys that there's a chance of updates getting slowed down now, because I'm going to start having therapy sessions every week. This shouldn't slow down updates, but there is a chance that it will, so I just wanted to give you guys fair warning. Anyways, criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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