--Season 2-- Chapter 6: Preparations

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Sans slowly opens his eyes as he wakes up. Looking around, he sees the release switch for the large capsule he's in. Pulling on the lever, the capsule opens.

"Oh, your up." King yawns as he walks over to Sans. "Boss wants us, so we should probably hurry up."

The two head up into the bar area, where Tomura is waiting. Tomura motions for the two teens to sit down, which they quickly do.

"Now. I called you two here because I have very special assignments for the two of you." Tomura explains. "Sans, you're the leader to the Vanguard Action Squad, so you're going to need to know the plan. King, you have a mission that's separate from the rest of the Action Squad."

"What?" King suddenly gains interest and sits up straight. "What is it?"

"You're mission is to get a recent test subject back. They broke out a little while ago, and I want you to get them." Tomura hands King some files. "Here's the info you'll need. By the way, you should be careful. This test subject has a... Short fuse..."

Sans sighs and glares at Tomura. "Why did you call me up again? I'm getting impatient."

"You and Muscular will be training King today." Tomura explains. "He's strong, but lacks skill and knowledge. Fix him."

When Tomura says the words "Fix him", King flinches and takes a step back. He quickly regains his composure though, and straightens up.

"I don't teach weaklings, I kill." Sans groans. "Muscular can handle the kid. They'll get some quality father son time."

"No, you should be there. All you need to do is make sure Muscular doesn't go overboard." Tomura says as he begins scratching his neck.

"Alright, fine. Let's go King." Sans says as he grabs some files from Shigaraki and walks away. On his way to the training area, he looks over the files, which explain the plan for the attack on class 1.A..

"So... Your Sans?" King asks hesitantly. "I saw you yesterday, and I'm not impressed. Boss said you were unstoppable, but all you did is destroy a stupid wall. Do we really have to take orders from some weakling like yo--"

Suddenly, multiple Gaster Blasters appear, completely surrounding King. The heat from them can be felt from several meters away, and King immediately shuts up. He audibly gulps as Sans walks up to him.

"Listen here you little shit. I'm only training you because Tomura ordered me. If he didn't want you alive, you wouldn't be standing there. Shut the fuck up and learn some damn respect." Sans' glare shows only one thing, murderous intent...

"Y-yes sir..." King stammers as the Gaster Blasters disappear. He sighs in relief and continues following Sans to the training area.

Eventually, Sans and King make it to the training area, were Muscular is already waiting for them. "What took you guys so long?" The strong make snaps.

"Your son is what took us so long." Sans replies. He then motions for King to go up to Muscular.

"Son... You better do your best, or you'll die out there!" Muscular's quirk activates, and his arm grows larger. His muscle fibers escape his skin, and he swings his fist towards King.

King acts quickly, and in responds to his father's attack, he lifts up his arms to block. Just like what his father did, his arms grow in size and his muscle fibers break through his skin.

"What the hell!?" King shrieks as Muscular's fist makes contact with King's arms, sending him flying back.

"You need to expect the worst, or you'll get killed!" Muscular's leg expands as well, and more muscle fibers find their way out of his skin. Muscular delivers a devastating kick to King's chest, knocking the air out if his lungs.

"Alright, my turn!" King yells as a sharp bone comes out of his shoulder. Muscular barely dodges it, but it isn't over. The bone curves and somehow wraps around Muscular, pulling the huge man towards King.

"Not bad kid." Sans says as he stops the fight by using telekinesis. "Muscular is the winner."

"What? How!?" King snaps. "I had him!" The bone pushes it's way back into King's skin, and his muscles go back to normal.

"No you didn't, you weren't paying attention to his legs. He was about to kick you were the sun doesn't shine. I was told to make sure the fight doesn't go too far, so I stopped it there." Sans yawns. "Alright, I think you're ready. Just keep training in here while me and your dad go get a drink.

King and Muscular aren't the only one's training. The entire Vanguard Action Squad is diligently working to improve. Chara and Frisk are training together, and so are Dabi and Twice, as well as Toga.

Moonfish, Spinner, and Mr. Compress are as well. Sans doesn't know much about them, but he does know that they'll be part of the attack on class 1.A.. Sans sighs and pulls out the files. Looking at them, he chuckles. "This might work." He shows Muscular the files plan and Muscular laughs in response.

"Yeah, that's definitely my style! All action!" Muscular chugs down his beer, and Sans takes a sip from his ketchup bottle. The two of them part ways and go to bed, in the morning they'll go and act out the plan.

Meanwhile, King is training in his area. He's trying to learn how to use his bones. He knows he can augment his muscle, bones, skin, and even his blood in theory. However, he has no idea how he's supposed to do it. His dad often says certain things about it, but King doesn't think any of them will work.

Looking at his files, King shakes his head. "I'm supposed to get this guy? Isn't he part of the reason everyone is after Comic? Oh well." King goes to his room and sets his things down. He has a long day ahead of him tommorow, and he really doesn't want to get in a fight. "Too late to turn back now." He says to himself before drifting off to sleep.


Alright. King is going to be hunting down someone. Who do you guys think it is? On the other hand, the League of Villains Vanguard Action Squad is going to be attacking class 1.A. very soon, and the Sans vs Izuku fight is so close to happening. Anyways, criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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