Chapter 3: The Tryouts

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Sans is walking out of his home. He is currently wearing Papyrus's scarf, some shorts, a white t-shirt, and his pink slippers. He attempts to pause time but fails...

"Damn... It's still not working..." Ever since he woke up, Sans couldn't get his quirks to work. He wonders if it has anything to do with the dreams he's been having.

"No time to try to fix it, I gotta hurry up and get to Yuuei!" Sans bolts to the large building, hoping that he can make in time. He eventually comes to a stop as he reaches the front gate. He looks up at the large "U.A." sign at the top. He begins to walk towards the open doors and goes into the exam room. After finishing the written test we are brought to an auditorium.

"ARE ALL OF YOU READY!?!?" Present Mic, a pro hero with tall yellow hair and a weird outfit, asks the entire auditorium this, but is met with silence.

"O-oh... Okay... Tough crowd..." Present Mic goes on to explain the rules of the practical exam. There are 4 types of robots, each one worth different points. There's a 3 pointer, which has hard armor and is much faster than the others. There's the 2 pointer, which is the lightest and second fastest of the 4. The 1 pointer is heavier than the two pointer but a lot slower. Finally there's the 0 pointer, and for some reason Present Mic didn't tell us anything about it other than the fact that it's worth 0 points.

While Present Mic continues on with a long list of rules, Sans tunes him out and starts to question if he'll actually be able to get in. He thinks things like, If my quirks aren't working, then how am I supposed to get any points? As well as things like, This might just be a lost cause..."

Next thing Sans knows, the students are getting up and moving to their exam areas. Sans checks and he has area D. He jogs over there and gets as ready as he can.

"3..." Sans gets ready to sprint ahead. Eyeing the competition. "2..." he notices Jirou and she cracks a quick smirk at him. "1..." He looks back ahead and cracks his neck. "GO!!!"

Sans runs around avoiding the main group of bots at the front, as to avoid getting trampled by the rest of the aspiring heroes. He turns a corner and comes face to face with a 2 pointer.

"Fast, but not incredibly fast... Weak armor... A few bones should do the trick." Sans attempts to send some bones towards the first bot but ends up using telekinesis on himself, he slams into the road and breaks his nose. "...Ow..."

The bot starts going at him and it prepares to strike. Lifting it's arm in an attempt to crush Sans.

suddenly the robot is hit by a dark bird looking object. The robot is sent flying, but Sans' shirt gets caught on its arm and he goes with it, blood streaming from his broken nose.

"Dark Shadow, help him." Someone with a bird head says t I the shadow, earning the response of, "Sure thing!" The shadow follows Sans and saves him. Before Sans can even thank the bird guy, he runs off.

"Well that was nice of him... I think." I really need to get control of my quirks! Time pau- OW!" As Sans tries to pause time he accidentally summons a bone and cuts himself.

Sans is about to call it quits when he hears a loud boom. Followed by some screaming and people running from a giant robot. "I-is that the 0 pointer?" Sans asks some guy with hair that reminds him of Pikachu.

"Yep! Nice talking to you! Bye!" The Pikachu guy runs off with everyone else.

"Huh... I thought it'd be bigger. Either way I can't beat it, not with my quirks going haywire like this." Sans says to himself as he starts to turn and run.

"O-ow! Someone help, I'm stuck!" Sans turns his head and his eyes widen at what he sees. Jirou has been trapped under some debris and the 0 pointer is going to crush her!

"I have to save her!!!" Sans is about to run towards her when he suddenly gets a splitting headache. He starts hearing Papyrus's voice again.


Sans grabs his head and begins shaking violently. Pap's scarf begins to float in the air. As thousands of bones and Gaster Blasters begin to appear, painting the sky bone white.

"G-get out... Of m-my..." Sans' nose starts to bleed even more as he screams, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!" And then, the pain stopped. He was looking at the ground, the blood from his nose stops, and the 0 pointer is only 10 meters away from Jirou.

The white haired teen looks up, and his eyes are now seen as one red and one red and blue. He smiles and Pap's scarf swirls around. When it's done, Papyrus is standing there.

 When it's done, Papyrus is standing there

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The bones and Gaster Blasters fire. Destroying both the 0 pointer, and every other remaining robots. The teen's eyes go back to normal, Papyrus disappears, and Sans falls to the ground unconscious.

When Sans wakes up, he is in what looks like a school nursery he tries to get up but his legs won't move, he notices the television is on and looks over to it.

"Pro hero Touya Todoroki has disappeared!" A blonde new reporter says this as she is seen by what seems to be a burnt alleyway. "There has been no evidence found other than the ashes and burn marks all over the alley he was most recently spotted in, along with the word, "Dabi" being written in blood on the wall. According to our sources, this has happened a while ago, but has been kept under raps until now, the investigation is going to conti-" The television is turned off. Sans looks over and sees who he is guessing to be the nurse of Yuuei High.

"You're crying. Did you know that young man on the television?" The nurse asks softly.

"N-no, I mean not really, but I've seen him before. He was a.nice guy though, I talked to him before..."

After a lot of crying, the old nurse tells Sans that he made into Yuuei with the highest score ever!

"What?" Sans asks. "Could you run that by me again please?" The nurse had just told Sans his score, and he can't believe it. He watched the footage and saw his large attack. Sure he understands that getting him a couple points, but the number he just heard was madness.

"You scored 783 combat points, and 60 rescue points. That means that you have the highest score in the history of the Yuuei tryouts, with a grand total of 843 points." She smiles at Sans and continues. "I knew you're considered a prodigy, but even I never imagined something like this."

"Y-yeah... Thanks..."

Due to his injuries being worse than originally believed. Sans stayed at Yuuei for the next week. He had a talk with principal Nezu. A small person that seems to be some form of mammal. A mouse? A dog? A moose? Who knows, but the important thing is that Sans got his schedule and will be starting in class 1-A once school begins. When the day came, Sans was still in pain. Even so, he was still excited for what was to come.


Alright so a couple things. First of all, I'm sorry for taking so long to update. The issue at my home took more time to kinda solve than I was expecting. Secondly, Sans' AU quirk in action. Dust is now officially a part of Sans. How will Sans deal with it when he realizes? As always any criticism is welcomed. See ya folks.

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