--Season 2-- Chapter 3: Plans and Despair

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"Alright everyone." Shouto sighs. "Now that we're all here let's discuss our plans to find, defeat, and kill Comic."

Shouto, Eijiro, Tenya, and Izuku are all in a small room. In the center of the room is a picture of Sans. The picture has a knife stuck straight through Sans' face.

"Easy, Iida and I will take him on." Eijiro explains. "With me being the shield and Iida being the sword. It's a perfect, manly plan!"

"Yeah, that might just work." Shouto nods. "We should try tha--".

"Idiots." Izuku looks up and cracks his neck. "Sans killed the Nomu from the USJ, so he won't go down so easily."

"True, but we've gotten stronger too." Eijiro grins. "I think we can take him!"

Izuku sighs, he's irritated with his classmates. They're underestimating Sans. If Izuku knows anything about Sans, it would be how devastatingly powerful he is. "Fine, do what you want, but don't come crying to me when it doesn't work."

Eijiro nods. He then pumps his fist into the air and yells "Alright! Let's take this villain down!"

Although Eijiro seems happy and ready to fight Sans, he has his own suspicions. He often find h self wondering if Sans is really the bad guy. He decided that he would prepare for the worst, but he still has hope for his friend.

Tenya on the other hand has lost all hope in Sans. "Comic has killed people, we must avenge them!" In his head, Sans is a villain at heart, and must be taken down.

Shouto doesn't know what he thinks about Sans, and he doesn't care either. If Sans is a hero, a villain, or neither, it's all the same to Shouto. All he wants is to be the one to take Sans down.

Izuku hates Sans, and anything that relates to him. He doesn't care if he gets in trouble for it. Izuku will kill Sans even if it's the last thing he does.

"Alright, let's get to work!"

Meanwhile, Sans and Kyouka have just shop lifted some drinks and snacks from a gas station. Sans summons a Gaster Blaster and the two of them hop onto it, flying away and narrowly avoiding shots from a nearby police station.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Sans yells as a bullet grazes his bone colored hair. He looks back and sees the pro hero, Snipe.

"Comic Sans! You will be coming with me!" Snipe let's the bullets fly. Using his quirk to control them, Snipe makes the bullets home in on Sans.

"No thank you!" Sans replies as he creates a sphere of bones that surrounds him and Kyouka.

The bullets make contact with Sans' sphere, but they can't manage to damage it very much, as the bones were formed extra thick. Snipe grits his teeth and begins firing off more bullets, but they still have no visible effect on Sans' orb.

"Is that all ya got!?" Sans mocks Snipe from within his ball. "I literally know children who can do better than that!" Sans raises his hand, and a hole appears in the bone orb, but that hole is quickly filled with a Gaster Blaster, which fires a beam of energy at Snipe, burning the pro hero's arm.

Snipe then puts a finger to his ear and yells out "Backup is needed! The villain is growing hostile!"

"Damn it... If I run away I'm the villain, and if I fight back I'm still the villain!? WHAT TYPE OF FUCKED UP SYSTEM IS THIS!?!?" Sans screams at the top of his lungs. He begins glitching again, and his hair starts to turn black.

"Sans, stop!" Kyouka cries out as she hugs Sans. Sans snaps out of it and looks around. Snipe is on the ground, knocked out, and the road is destroyed, as well as some of the nearby buildings.

"Did....did I do th-this?" Sans stops glitching and the bone orb completely disappears. The two teens fall. Sans lands on the ground and catches Kyouka bridal style. He sets her down and turns his back to her. He begins to walk away.

"Sans? Sans!?" Kyouka tries running up to Sans but is stopped by a cage if bones. Kyouka grips the bars to the cage and attempts to pry them open, but to no avail. "Sans, what are you doing!?"

"You're safer without me." Sans sighs. "For your own safety, forget everything. Forget about our friendship, and live out you life as if nothing happened. They won't turn on you if you do that..."

"You got a lot of nerve Comic!" Eijiro's voice calls out. "Destroying this place when you could have just laid low!" The red haired teen is seen by Sans, he's about 60 meters away, supporting an injured Snipe.

"We won't let you get away, villain!" Tenya exclaims as he appears right behind Sans. A devastating kick is delivered right to Sans' head, sending the "villain" flying into a car.

Sans stands up and uses his telekinesis to push the cage that holds Kyouka behind him. He then summons a dozen bones and sends them flying towards Tenya. However, before the bones make contact Eijiro jumps in front of them. Using his quirk, Eijiro hardens his skin. The bones bounce off of him and he runs right up to Sans.

"I still thought there was a chance that you weren't the villain everyone thought you were! I see now that I was wrong! You aren't nearly as manly as I thought you were!" Eijiro gives Sans a headbutt, knocking Sans off balance and making the Punny teen bleed from his forehead. Eijiro doesn't let up, he grips Sans by the hair and knees him in the lower abdomen. Sans eyes widen and he coughs up blood.


Why does nothing ever change?

Do they want me to be the villain?

Fine then...

Eijiro continues to punch and kick Sans. "I am Red Riot, and I will defeat you once and for all!" He goes to punch Sans in the face, but suddenly Sans glitches and teleports into the air. "What!? Get down here!"

"So y-you want me-E-eeE to be the villain huh?" Sans begins glitching more, and his hair darkens... Eijiro and Tenya both take a step back. Utter horror is the only visible emotion in their eyes.

Sans' transformation is complete. His hair is black with red at the ends. And his eyes are now a combination of red, yellow, and blue.

 And his eyes are now a combination of red, yellow, and blue

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"What the hell is happening to him!?" Eijiro shrieks. He takes another step back and puts up his fists.

"I-I'm not sure. This looks similar to what happened during combat training that one time!" Tenya responds as he runs up to Sans and attempts to kick him. However, whatever Sans has become has other plans... Tenya's screams can be heard and Eijiro's eyes widen.

A large amount of cords have pierced Tenya's body. Blood drips out of the engine legged teen's mouth as he falls from the cords and lands on some of the nearby debris from before.

"Fi-ii-Ine then. I'll be the villain-n-N!"


Alright, I'm finally caught up! Back on schedule guys! This chapter was supposed to come out last Saturday, but I couldn't finish it in time. I'm publishing it now though, so that counts for something, right? Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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