Chapter 2: Training For Yuuei High

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Sans woke up that day with a scared look on his face. He would never hurt anyone. Right?

He got out of bed and went downstairs, he ate a bowl of cereal and came up with a plan for how he'll get into Yuuei.

"My body isn't that strong, so I'll do a short workout routine to try to get some muscle on me, other than that I'll be training my quirks."

Sans wrote down his plan, and put it on his fridge. Everyday he would wake up, and go for a jog, ending the jog at an abandoned construction site. Once he's there, he will work for three hours, training each of his quirks. Once he finishes that, he'll go back and do 50 Push Ups at his home.

"Alright, time to get started. I should try to finish before nighttime." Sans puts on his slippers and begins the jog.

On his jog he passes by a young teen with ear bud jacks that extend from her earlobe. He gets distracted for a second and trips, falling onto her.

"Ow... That hurt." Sans says as he opens his eyes. Seeing the girl face to face with him. She has a blush on her face and is glaring at him.

"Could ya get off?" The girl asks Sans in an angered tone. Clearly not in the mood for something such as this.

"Y-yeah sorry..." Sans gets up and helps the girl up and smiles. "I got distracted there for a second, my bad."

Sans looks at the girl and hopes she forgives him. "Yeah all right, but what was it that distracted you?"

"Y-ya know, It was so s-sudden and only lasted for a second, so I-I can't remember!"

Shit, what type of excuse was that? Oh god, she'll never buy it!

"...Okay, then I guess it's fine..." The girl says with a half smile. "My name's Jirou Kyouka, what's yours?"

"Hey Kyouka, I'm Comic Sans. Please, call me Sans." Comic says with a smile.

"P-pardon?" Kyouka has a confused, and embarrassed face, as she lightly blushes.

"Something wrong? Your face is red, are you running a fever?" Sans asks as his expression turns to one of concern.

"N-no I'm fine!" She says as one of her jacks goes and pokes Sans in his side.

"Ow..." Sans frowns as he rubs his side. "That wasn't very nice..."

It's the end of the day now, Sans spent his entire time that day talking with Kyouka, he must have lost track of time. The two of them exchanged numbers and left for their homes.

As Sans opens his door he yawns and puts his phone in his pocket. He walks to his kitchen and eats a hotdog. He does his 50 Push Ups before calling it a day, and going to bed.

Everyday after that for the next 6 months, he would do his workout, then go and hang out with Kyouka, and it was really helping him.

He went from being scrawny, to having enough muscle to actually do some "heavy lifting". His quirks can be used for longer as well.

It's the day before the Yuuei tryouts, and sans is coming back from his workouts when he sees Kyouka on the sidewalk.

"Yo, Kyouka! Whatcha doin?" Sans smiles as he jogs over to her.

"Hey Sans, what's up?" Jirou says as Sans, trips and hits his face on a bench. "How clumsy can you get?"

"I don't know, but ow... That hurt. A lot." Sans rubs his head and gets back up.

"So, tomorrow are the tryouts right?" Kyouka asks as she twirls one of her jacks around her finger.

"Yeah, and I'm sure you'll do great. You have an amazing quirk, and you know enough for the written exam to come rather easily." Sans seems confident in his statement, and his smile gets even wider.

Jirou giggles and nods her head. "Thanks, you'll do great too. I'm sure of it."


"No problem."

The two talk a little more and Sans goes home. Deciding to go to sleep early.

Jirou looks behind her and sees her dad, and he looks furious.

"Kyouka... Who was that boy?" Her father, Kyotoku Jirou demands.

"His name is Sans dad, and he's just a friend." Kyouka said, annoyed as her dad jumps to conclusions as always.

"Are you sure?" Kyotoku asks with an uncertain look on his face. "You two seemed rather fond of each other..."

"He's a good friend." She replies, sitting on a bench. "I met him 6 months ago."

"How do I know I can trust him?" Kyotoku asks.

Kyouka's dad is starting to get on her nerves. Why should she have to tell him everything in her life?

"If you don't trust him, then trust me, please..." The young girl looks to the ground. A single tear coming down her face.

Meanwhile, Sans is in a house, but he isn't at all familiar with said house. He gets out of bed and opens the door. What he sees shocks him.

"P-papyrus? Is that really you?" Sans asks as he looks at his younger brother.

"YES!!! IT IS I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!!" The taller boy says gleefully. "AND YOU ARE MY BROTHER, SANS!!!"

Sans is crying, he can't believe his eyes or ears. "But how, I watched you... I watched you die..."

"YES I-- Oh... Yes, I did die, but that doesn't matter. We can finally be together again brother!" Papyrus gives one of his signature smiles as he says this.

"That... I would like that..." Sans smiles back at his brother.


Sans suddenly feels Papyrus grab his wrist and pull him forward. Before Sans could even react, his throat is grabbed and Paps lifts him into the air.

"P-paps... Why?" Sans manages to croak out as Papyrus' grip around his neck tightens.


Sans' vision is covered by an image of himself, but his left eye is a combination of red and purple, and his smile seems fake, almost as if he's hiding something behind it.

Sans wakes up screaming. He falls out of bed, shaking aggressively... "Papyrus... P-please... Forgive me... Please..."

Comic notices something around his neck, a red scarf. Pap's scarf. "How did... How did that get there... I-I thought it was buried with his body..."

Sans falls back to the ground and falls asleep crying.


So there it is. The second chapter of The Punny Hero! We have Sans training for Yuuei, Kyouka is revealed to have daddy issues, and Sans has a nightmare about his brother and himself. How did the scarf get to Sans? I guess you'll just have to wait and see. As always any criticism is welcomed. See ya folks.

The Punny Hero (Remastered) Bnha x UndertaleWhere stories live. Discover now