--Season 2-- Chapter 18: Katsuki

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Sans opens his eyes and looks around. "Where, am I?" He tries to sit up, but a sharp pain goes through his entire body. He winces and decides that getting up isn't the best idea right now.

"Oh, you're awake." Aizawa Sensei sighs as he comes through the door. He looks at Izuku and frowns. "I guess Midoriya is still asleep."

Sans looks at Aizawa and asks "How long have I been out for?" His voice is weak, and he can barely speak. "How's Izuku?"

That's when Recovery Girl walks in. She's a short old woman, and a pro hero. She specializes in healing people. "You've been out for a week, but luckily you'll be fine. Midoriya over here on the other hand..."

Sans' eyes widen. "What? What's wrong?!" He sits up quickly, which he instantly regrets. His body feels like it's completely broken. The pain is almost unbearable.

Recovery Girl lightly hits Sans on the head with her cane. "Lay back down! You aren't in condition to move right now." Sans hesitates, but lays back down. Recovery Girl says "As for Midoriya, you beat him up pretty bad... He has several broken ribs, and his arms, as well as his legs are completely destroyed. Not only that, but his skull is also fractured."

Sans is at a loss for words. He hurt Izuku that badly? How? He shakes his head in disbelief. Aizawa then says "The amount of power you used at the end of the fight was something else. Not only did you put Midoriya in this condition, but your own body couldn't even handle the stress. Your own power destroyed your body." Sans closes his eyes. This is a lot for him to process.

Recovery Girl then says "Something else is wrong with Midoriya. We aren't sure what exactly is happening, but we do know that his body seems to be rejecting something." She shakes her head. "You two are so annoying. Getting hurt this badly..."

"Yeah..." Sans sighs. "Sorry..."

After a couple weeks, Sans is finally allowed to leave. He has to walk around in crutches, but it's better than nothing. It's all he needs to find Katsuki. They need to have a talk.

After awhile of searching, Sans finds out where Katsuki lives. He slowly makes his way there, and with a deep breath, he rings the doorbell. From within the house he hears plenty of yelling, and eventually someone answers the door.

"Hello?" A young woman's voice asks. Sans assumes that this is Katsuki's mother. They definitely have a lot of resemblance. "Who are you?"

Sans nervously says "Oh, hi. My name is Comic Sans. I'm here to talk to Bakugou Katsuki. Are you... His mother?" He blushes slightly and avoids making eye contact with her.

"Oh yeah, I'm his mom. My name's Bakugou Mitsuki, nice to meet you." She smiles sweetly, and says "Come on in."

"Thank you very much." Sans starts making his way inside, but Mitsuki sees him struggling, so she decides to help him.

"Oh, come on." She says as she picks Sans up. She carries him inside and sets him on the couch. By the time he's on the couch, Sans is a blushing mess. "I'll go get Katsuki." She says as she leaves the room. Not too much later, she comes back with Katsuki. By the time she comes back, Sans' face returns to its regular color.

"Oi, why are you here?" Katsuki asks. He sits on the couch and looks at his mom. "Get out of here, hag!" He yells. Sans' eyes widen as Mitsuki slaps Katsuki across the head.

"Don't talk to me like that you little shit!" She yells back. She then looks at Sans and says "Sorry about him." Sans doesn't say anything. His mouth is wide open, and all he can do is look at Mitsuki and Katsuki. Now he knows why Katsuki is so aggressive. He must get it from his mother.

"Oh, shut up!" Katsuki yells. "Can't we have some damn privacy!?" He gets slapped across the head again as a result.

Mitsuki yells at him again. "I said don't talk to me that way!" She looks back at Sans and says "He gets like this sometimes, sorry."

Sans clears his throat and says "Actually, could we have some privacy? I'm sorry, but I need to talk about something with him, and it's a very serious topic." Mitsuki stops and nods.

"Of course, I'm sorry." Mitsuki says as she stands up and goes to walk out of the room.

"Thank you Mrs. Bakugou." Sans says with sigh. "I appreciate it a lot."

"Of course." Mitsuki smiles. "And you can call me Mitsuki. I heard from Katsuki that you like to call people by their first name." Sans chuckles, and Mitsuki leaves.

Sans then turns his attention to Katsuki. "Now. Time to talk..." He takes a deep breath and says "Katsuki... What happened to you?"

Katsuki stops. His expression turns grim and he looks at Sans with sudden sadness. The entire feeling if the room changes. "What do you mean?"

Sans gulps and says "How are you still alive? Katsuki, are you still human?" Katsuki's expression becomes shocked, and his eyes widen.

"How did you know?" Katsuki asks. His voice has a hint of warning in it. This is definitely a touchy subject.

Sans looks Katsuki in the eye and says "Chara was wanting to get you. That means that you're connected to the League of Villains. What happened?"

Katsuki grits his teeth and says "They cloned me, and did experiments. I remember the pain very clearly. My body was changed, and tortured plenty."

Sans' eyes widen. He had some ideas, but cloning was not one of them. Now that he thinks of it, Twice has a cloning quirk. Twice could very easily clone Katsuki for the League of Villains.

"I don't even know whether or not I'm the real me..." Katsuki admits. "I could be a clone for all I know. The only thing I know for sure is that I'm the only one that survived the experiments..."

Sans doesn't know how to respond to that. "I... I'm sorry, I had no idea it was that bad..." He walks over to Katsuki and gives him a hug. "Don't worry, you don't have to fight alone. It must have been hard, thinking that no one could ever understand your pain..." Sans takes a deep breath and says "I know how that feels..." As Sans says this, tears begin to talk from Katsuki's eyes.

Sans and Katsuki stay like this for awhile. Katsuki cries into Sans' shoulder for about an hour, before Sans has to leave. Him and Katsuki say goodbye, and Mitsuki gives Sans a quick hug, much to Sans' embarrassment.

On Sans' way home, he makes a promise to himself. "The League of Villains will pay for what they have done. Not only that, but this flawed system of heroes needs to change." He says to himself. "People should not be allowed to go through these things anymore, and if no one else is going to fix it, then I will..."


Alright, there it is. If any of you were wondering about Katsuki, then I hope this clears some things up. If you still have questions then feel free to ask me. Anyways criticism is welcome as always. See ya folks.

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