--Season 2-- Chapter 2: Beyond Human

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Kyouka runs as fast as she can. She doesn't look back, because she's scared that if she does, she'd see Izuku following right behind her.

"Sans!" Kyouka screams as she makes it to the alley they've been hiding in. "You need to hear this! You're in dang--!"

"I don't care!" Sans snaps. He glares at Kyouka as his face and body begin glitching.

Kyouka looks at Sans in utter horror. "Sans... What's happening to you?" Kyouka tries to walk over to Sans, but he just backs further away from her.

"Stay away from me-E-ee!" Sans screams. "Kyouk-k-k-kKa please! Stay away!" He backs up as far as he can, coming to a stop at the wall.

"Sans please, tell me what's wrong! We can't be doing this right now, people are after you! They want to kill you!" Tears stream from Kyouka's eyes as she pleads for Sans to cooperate.

"I-I-i... I don't care..." Sans stops glitching and tears begin to come from Sans' eyes as well. "I'm better off dead anyway. Kyouka, please just turn me in. You'll be safe at least."

"I can't do that Sans. You need to tell me what's been bothering you. Ever since we met I could tell that you seemed sad. Please, let me help you!"

Sans looks at Kyouka, and his vision changes. In Kyouka's place he sees two people, Chara, and another girl. The girl has brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

 The girl has brown hair and beautiful brown eyes

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"Chara... Frisk... Get away from me..." Sans voice begins to choke up as he begins crying even more. "Please..."

Kyouka tackles Sans and hugs him tightly, knocking him out of his daze. "Sans, I can't get away from you. Just tell me what's wrong, or I can't help you."

"K-Kyouka, I... Okay, I'll tell you everything." Sans wipes away his tears and looks up. "It all started in a lab..."

A large chamber is seen with a blue and white ball of energy in the center of it. Green water flows throughout the chamber, and around the ball.

"I wasn't born, like people are. In fact, I'm not even a person. I was artificially made in the League of Villains lab..."

The energy shrinks down, and forms into a small humanoid shape. Over time this humanoid grows larger and larger.

"The League wanted to make the perfect weapon, and I'm the result of that."

The humanoid than begins to gain human like features. Ears, fingers and toes, a mouth with lips and teeth, eyes, all of it.

The glass cracks, and then shatters. Sans is left standing there. He appears to be the exact same age he is now. He's naked, and confused. He only has one thing going through his head, "Kill". However he didn't know what killing even was, so he just sat there, clueless.

"Unlike people, I don't age, and my body doesn't deteriorate over time. I also have... Trouble, with feeling and understanding emotions." Sans explains to Kyouka. "Although technically I have been "alive" for as long as you have."

Sans, along with Papyrus are brought to Tomura, where they are told about their purpose. "You two are the ultimate weapons! You are meant to be used by us in order to destroy the heroes of this society!" Tomura tells them.

Sans and Papyrus show off their abilities. Sans can pause time, control bones, summon bones of a variety of different sizes, as well as summons Gaster Blasters, he also has telekinesis. Papyrus can do everything Sans does, just not the freezing time, or the Telekinesis. He can fly however.

"I've killed people in the name of the League of Villains, and I can't even feel bad for it..." Sans continues explaining with a dead expression. "I wasn't even allowed to wear clothing, because I wasn't human, but the scientists made one big mistake when making us. We weren't built to follow orders, and we had the ability to think for ourselves."

Sans and Papyrus are running away. They kill multiple weak Nomu as they run, and they can hear voices all around them through speakers. "The perfect weapons are escaping, I repeat the weapons are escaping!"

Sans and Papyrus see a way out, bit just when they're about to make it there, Papyrus is grabbed by a stronger Nomu, and he's ripped to pieces.

In a rage, Sans goes and kills every last person in the building. He grabs Papyrus's scarf and runs away.

"He was like a brother to me... Papyrus... He was one of the only person that understood what I was going through, but they took him from me..."

Kyouka hugs Sans tightly. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you went through something that awful..."

"It's fine Kyouka. Now, you said you wouldn't turn me in huh? Well then I guess I have to protect you!" Sans picks up Kyouka bridal style and summons a Gaster Blaster.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing! Put me down this instant!" Kyouka blushes as she softly punches Sans over and over again.

"Nah. It's time we head out." Sans grins as he sits on the Gaster Blaster. "Hold on tight!" The Gaster Blaster zooms off into the distance.

"PLEASE DON'T PUT ME DOWN DON'T PUT ME DOWN AAAAHHH!!!" Kyouka screams as they leave the area.

Meanwhile, Izuku has just now found traces of Sans and Kyouka from security footage. He grits his teeth as he looks at the video that was posted on uTube. He stands up as his name is called for the finals of the Sports Festival.

"I'm facing off against Todoroki huh? Go figure." Izuku walks into the area, and looks straight at Shouto.

"Good luck Midoriya." Shouto says in his usual monotone voice.

"You too Todoroki, you'll need it."


Not even a second after the fight was declared, it was over. Izuku blitzed Shouto, landing punch after punch. He sends Shouto flying out of the ring, and straight through a wall.

"Sorry, I went overboard." Izuku says as he walks over to Shouto who is in too much pain to even stand up. "I was angry."


Izuku walks out as the selected students to get temporary heroes license are anointed by All Might. Those students are:
Midoriya Izuku
Todoroki Shouto
Iida Tenya
Kirishima Eijiro

I'll get Comic Sans for sure! All four of the selected students mentally say to themselves.

"I'll be the one to kill him!"


Early chapter, yay! Yeah, I've gone into Sans' backstory a little bit, and most of the antagonists of this season have been revealed! The four selected students are all out for blood, who knows how that will turn out? Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks!

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