Chapter 9: A Skeleton of Trouble

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The brown haired girl smiles as she takes a step towards Sans. Sans responds by sending bones towards her, which she cuts in half with her knife.

"Have you missed me Sans!?" The girl jumps at Sans and attempts to slash him across his chest. Just like before...

Sans dodges and pushes her away with Telekinesis, sending her flying into a wall. "YEET!" He doesn't let up, and sends more bones her way.

"There's no way I would even miss someone like you!" Sans yells as he summons two Gaster Blasters. They release their beams of energy, but are deflected by the girl.

"Sansy~ why are you being so mean?" The girl attempts to stab Sans again, but is once again stopped by Sans' telekinesis.

"Stay away from me Chara!" Sans screams. He summons a large bone, which he then begins to use as a staff, blocking and countering Chara's attacks.

"Aww... Why do you have to be like that?" Chara whines as she manages to cut Sans' arm. Sans pulls back and winces in pain.

"Chara, please... I don't want to remember what you did... Tell Frisk I miss her..." Tears fall down from Sans' eyes. He looks up with a determined look on his face. "I--!"

Suddenly Sans is slashed by Chara's knife. The cut itself goes all the way from Sans' collar bone, to his his left hip. He coughs up blood and falls to the ground.

"Oh? Already?! I thought we would get to play some more!" Chara whines.

Sans slowly opens his eyes, and he's in the same space that he met Dust in for the first time. He looks around and sees Dust, as well as someone else. They're wearing shorts and a blue jacket, as well as... pink slippers?

"Wait, is that a skeleton?" Sans tilts his head

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"Wait, is that a skeleton?" Sans tilts his head. "Hey Dust! What's going on here?" He jogs up towards the two. Once he's closer, he realizes cuts and burn marks on Dust's body.

"H-hey Sans. I'd love to talk, but now really isn't a great time." He wipes blood off of his mouth.

"Who is this guy?" Sans looks forward, and is met with a bone impaling his chest-- inches away from his heart. Sans screams in pain before sending a bone of retaliation towards the skeleton.

"Stay out of this Sans... I can deal with him." Dust summons a Gaster Blaster and fires it towards the skeleton. Who protects himself with a Gaster Blaster of his own.

Back in reality, Sans' body begins to change. His skin and muscle fade away, leaving only a skeleton. The skeleton stands up and taps Chara on the shoulder while her back is turned.  Chara responds by screaming at the top of her lungs and falling to the ground.

"WHERE THE HELL IS THIS PAIN COMING FROM!!!" She wails before getting hit by a close range Gaster Blaster, burning her and sending her straight into a wall.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!" Chara screams as she speeds towards the Skeleton, but is stopped by telekinesis. The skeleton walks towards her and touches her forehead, doubling the amount of pain she feels.

"AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!" Chara continues to scream in pain. At this point she is feeling so much pain that she can no longer even move.

"Kid, you will pay for your sins..." The skeleton says before turning towards the blue haired teen and some members of the LoV. "You will all pay for yours as well..."

The LoV members charge towards the skeleton, but all of the meet the same fate. They are all tapped by the skeleton, and after that they start to feel nearly unbearable pain.

The rest of class 1.A. shows up. They seem to have been fighting against other LoV members. Izuku looks towards the skeleton with both awe, and fear. "S-sans?"

The skeleton looks back at Izuku and smiles. "Hey kiddo, do you know exactly what's going on here?"

"Oh, well we're being attacked. By villains..." Izuku walks towards the skeleton and stands by him. "And I won't let them hurt anyone here!"

Soon after, Katsuki and Shouto also walk by the skeleton, followed by the rest of the class.

"What are you waiting for?!" The blue haired teen growls. "They're just a bunch of kids, kill them!"

The skeleton smirks and points at the villains. The entire class then rushes towards the LoV.

The two forces clash, and start out as evenly matched. Both sides using their quirks to try to obtain the upper hand.

"Detroit... SMASH!!!" Izuku punches one villain, and send him flying into a group of other villains, taking them all out. "Now everyone!" Izuku says with clenched teeth as his broken arm  falls to his side. "PLUS ULTRA!!!"

The entire class begins to overpower the LoV, and the villains begin to attempt retreat. "Not so fast!" Shouto touches the ground and freezes most of the villains in place.

"DIE!!!" Katsuki yells as his palms explode while he's holding another villain by his shirt collar.

"What the hell!? How are we being overpowered by a bunch of kids!?" The blue haired teen begins to scratch his neck aggressively. "It's not fair!"

"Life's not fair." The skeleton says as he walks towards the blue haired teen. "And Karma's a bitch." He touches the teens side before jumping away quickly, as to avoid any form of attack that the young villain might have in store for him. The teen then falls to the ground in pain.

"Damn you! N-nomu, stop playing with their teacher and kill this kid!" The large creature with its brain exposed stands up and drops Aizawa Sensei, who is beaten up pretty badly.

Back with Sans and Dust, the two of them are exhausted as they can't seem to beat this other version of themselves.

"Jeez... This is bad..." Dust spits out blood as he lifts his hand, summoning a Gaster Blaster.

"You could say that again." Sans grins. "This guy is really giving us a skeleton of trouble."

Dust glares at Sans. "Now is NOT the time for puns Sa--!" He's then cut off by some laughter.

"Oh my god! I've never heard that one before!" The skeleton laughs. "Oh... Skeleton! Yes!" He begins laughing louder.

"You really like it?" Sans smiles. "You like my puns!?"

"Hell yeah I like your puns!" The skeleton says as he continues laughing. "Okay that settles it, I'm going to help you out. What can I do for ya?"


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this mostly fight scenes chapter. I'm still kinda new to these, but I think I'm improving, so that's a plus. Anyways I would have been able to publish this earlier today, but somehow the entire chapter got deleted... So I had to rewrite it all... Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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