Chapter 5: Combat Training!

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It's been a couple days since Yuuei has started, and Sans has gotten into a schedule that he goes by everyday. He wakes up, does a small 5 minute workout, and heads to school. Once he gets home he does the same workout he did before, then he eats dinner and goes to bed.

Currently Sans is at Yuuei, and he just got to his hero class. He takes a nap as he waits for his teacher All Might, to show up.

"I AM ENTERING THE CLASS LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!" All Might booms as he enters the class while doing some weird pose.

The class begins to get excited when they see All Might. It's actually the first time they've been in a class with him because up until now, Aizawa Sensei has been filling in for the number one hero.

"ALL RIGHT CLASS, AS YOUR TEACHER IT IS MY JOB TO SEE WHAT YOUR COMBAT ABILITIES ARE!!!" All Might begins as the class begins to get even more excited, as they can tell where this is going. "SO IF YOU COULD, I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO GET ON YOUR HERO COSTUMES AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!!!"

The class gets their hero costumes on and goes out into a faux city. Sans' hero customer is actually very similar to his casual wear, the only difference being a couple of support items hidden here and there. Compared to everyone else, he kinda looked underdressed.

All Might gets everyone's attention before explaining the rules. "THERE WILL BE TEAMS OF TWO, AND EACH TEAM WILL BE EITHER VILLAINS OR HEROES!!! YOUR GOAL AS A HERO TEAM WILL BE TO EITHER CAPTURE/DEFEAT BOTH OF THE VILLAINS, OR TO SECURE THE WEAPON!!!" This gets everyone on edge as most of them are scared of getting out against a team with two of the strongest in class.

"AS A VILLAIN, YOUR GOAL IS TO EITHER STALL FOR 30 MINUTES, OR TI DEFEAT/CAPTURE BOTH HEROES!!!" All Might finishes his explanation, and the teams are decided.

"Oh, I'm with Kyouka." Sans looks over and gives a nod to Kyouka as she walks over to him. "This'll be fun."

"Yeah, but we're against Todoroki and Kirashima, that'll make things a lot harder for us..." Kyouka frowns as she says this. She doesn't seem very confident in her fighting abilities.

"Yeah, Shouto and Eijiro are definitely strong, but I think we'll win, were both strong as well." Sans grins as he sees Izuku and his friend defeat Katsuki and his teammate.

After a while, Sans and Kyouka are called to go and battle Shouto and Eijiro. They're the heroes, and the other two could be anywhere in the building that is being used.

"Okay, we'll rush them. I'll take the lead and you cover me. Sound good?" Sans says as they enter the building.

"Yeah, that sounds like our best bet. Let's do it!" Kyouka and Sans begin to go up and by the time they're about half way to the top of the building Sans gets punched directly in the face by Eijiro.

"Did I get him!? Let's go!!!" Eijiro cheers as he pounds his hardened fists into each other.

"Nope, I'm fine." Sans gets up and smirks. "One at a time makes things even easier for us."

Kyouka kicks Eijiro's chest and pushes him back a little bit. He recovers quickly and retaliates with a kick of his own.

"Forgetting about someone?" Sans questions as a Gaster Blaster shows up and fires off in Eijiro's direction. When the smoke clears Eijiro is still standing. His body is burnt and bruised here and there, but other than that he seems pretty much fine.

"Man that attack was so strong and manly! You're amazing!" Eijiro cheers as Kyouka sneaks up behind him and tapes his arm to the wall.

"Gotcha!" Kyouka smiles as Eijiro puts on a confused expression. Sans and Kyouka go off in search of Shouto while Eijiro is still trying to figure out what just happened.

"We have to worry about Shouto now he's definitely the stronger on--" A spike of ice stabs into Sans' arm and a wall of ice blocks Kyouka off from Sans.

"Sans!" Kyouka immediately realizes that Shouto expected them to come by here and was prepared to defeat Sans while he wasn't ready. After that she would be easy to take down.

"Don't worry about me, go find the weapon. We can still win this!" Sans pulls the spike out if his arm and looks up at Shouto.

"You're the stronger one, I'll deal with you first." Shouto lifts his hand and shoots a beam of ice at Sans, but the white haired teen pauses time and casually steps out of the way.

"Alright my turn." Sans lifts his hand and a bone stabs into Shouto's leg. "That's payback!"

Shouto glares at Sans before freezing the ground around them. Sans tries to jump out of another attack, but his feet are frozen in place and he gets incased in ice.

"You're captured, I'll go deal with the girl now." Shouto starts to walk away, but right before he leaves he hears the ice around Sans start to crack. He looks back and a blue aura is surrounding the ice prison. Before he can do anything about it the ice shatters and steam is released into the room.

"Oh jeez. Thank God for Telekinesis! That was so cold!" Sans exclaims as he steps out of the steam created from the ice shattering.

"H-how did you?" Shouto asks with a surprised expression. "Not... Not bad, but this ends now." He extends his hand again and another wave of ice is sent at Sans. This time however, Sans dives out of the way.

"Not getting me with that this time! You kinda seem like a one trick pony at this poi--" Sans stops as he notices that Papyrus's scarf is no longer around his neck. He looks to the side and sees it frozen onto the wall.


Shouto's expression becomes one of concern as he looks at Sans, who is now shaking violently. "Comic? Are you... Are you okay?"

"How dare you..." Sans looks up as his eyes change again. Papyrus's scarf swirls around and once again, and Papyrus is now standing there.

 Papyrus's scarf swirls around and once again, and Papyrus is now standing there

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"I'll kill you for what you have done..."


So several things. First of all, I'm kinda new to fight scenes, so sorry if it's kinda boring. Secondly... CLIFFHANGER!!! Yeah I was originally gonna throw the entire fight into this one chapter, but I decided that a cliffhanger would be better. Final thing I gotta say is that I'm working on starting a story with characters that are all completely original, and the plot is also completely original. The title will be, "The Embers". Not sure when the first chapter will be out, but yeah, it's gonna be a thing. Anyway, criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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