--Season 2-- Chapter 16: The Rematch

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"It's a beautiful day outside, isn't it?" Sans say to Izuku. Izuku's expression becomes confused. Why would Sans ask that?

"What?" Izuku asks as he takes a step back. He just shakes his head and runs back up to Sans. This time he tries a kick the the head, bit Sans just ducks underneath it.

"Birds are singing, and flowers are blooming..." Sans says as he jumps up, landing on Izuku's head. He jumps off of Izuku quickly, and glares at him.

"What the hell are you going on about!?" Izuku says as he begins to attack with many random
kicks and punches. Sans dodges all of them.

"On days like these..." Sans says quietly as he dodges yet another attack.

"Stop it!" Izuku screams. He finally lands a punch to Sans' jaw. Sans is sent flying into a wall, but he doesn't seem to mind. He just stands back up.

"Kids like you..." Sans says as he cracks his neck. He grins slightly, he is going to really enjoy this.

"I said stop!" Izuku screams as he jumps at Sans. He goes to punch Sans in the stomach. Sans let's him. He takes the punch and coughs up blood. But... He's smiling. A Gaster Blaster suddenly appears on both sides of Izuku.

"Should be burning in Hell!" Sans screams. Both Blasters fire off simultaneously. Izuku gets hit by both, and winces in pain as the energy burns his skin.

Sans doesn't let up. He uses telekinesis and slams Izuku into a wall. Izuku grits his teeth and flicks. The power on his single finger is enough to push Sans back. Izuku, now free from Sans' telekinesis, quickly runs towards Sans. He gives Sans a powerful punch to the jaw.

"You seem stronger than last time. Why is that?" Izuku asks as Sans barely dodges a kick. "Last time you were strong, but not nearly this powerful."

Sans grins, responding with "Maybe you're just getting weaker!" He ducks underneath a jab from Izuku, and spins around. Using his spin to gain momentum, Sans delivers a kick to Izuku's cheek. Izuku stumbles back.

Sans tries to fire off a Gaster Blaster, but Izuku just destroys it in a single punch. "There's no way I've gotten weaker, tell me the truth damn it!"  He jumps towards Sans.

"Last time we fought, I wasn't giving it my all..." Sans says. He creates a wall of bones, but Izuku just punches straight through it. However, Sans saw this coming. Behind the wall, Sans had prepared a Gaster Blaster. Izuku just walked straight into a trap. The Gaster Blaster fires, hitting Izuku directly.

Izuku coughs as he jumps out of the attack. His face is covered in blood, and his body is burnt all over. "What do you mean you weren't giving it your all?!" He screams. "What the hell are you talking about!?"

Izuku jumps towards Sans, punching Sans in his lower abdomen. Sans coughs up blood and falls to his knees. Izuku starts walking to him, preparing to finish the job. "I believed everything you said." Sans confesses. Tears fall from his eyes, soaking into the ground. "I... I believed that I was beyond redemption, and that I deserved to die..."

Izuku chuckles and says "Well all of that's true. You should die, and if you think otherwise, then you're just delusional." He goes to kick Sans. However, Sans freezes time and stands up. He steps out of the way, before letting time continue. Izuku's leg slams into the ground. This kicks up a lot of dust, which Sans uses as a smokescreen.

"I still agree with you." Sans sighs as he mends his ribs, which were broken when Izuku punched him. "But... I want to be better." Izuku tries to punch Sans, but he can't see him. Izuku punches randomly, trying desperately to hit his target. "Hopefully I can be better. My friends believe in me, so the least I can do is try."

"Put a sock in it!" Izuku screams." He manages to uppercut Sans in the jaw. The dust scatters away, and Sans is sent flying into the air. Izuku keeps the pressure on, and jumps after Sans.

Sans tries to create a Gaster Blaster, but Izuku kicks through it. Izuku grabs Sans and throws him to the ground with all his might. The ground can't handle the impact, and Sans' body creates a large crater.

Just as this happens, Aizawa Sensei finally arrives. His eyes widen as he sees the sheer amount of destruction. "Both of you stop now—!" His eyes glow red, but before they did Izuku flicked at Aizawa's direction. The pro hero coughs up blood as he gets hit by the wind. He blinks, which is all Izuku needed. Izuku runs towards Sans and grabs him by the neck, lifting him into the air.

"I got you." Izuku pants, out of breath. He smiles. "I win, finally." He Chuck and says "For the record, you will never change. After all you've done, redemption is no longer an option." Izuku takes a deep breath, before saying "I did some research. You didn't say your kill count in class the other day, and I wanted to know..."

Sans' eyes widen. "Please... No." Aizawa slowly stands up. He's still dazed from Izuku's attack, so he isn't able to get clear enough vision of Izuku and Sans. Aizawa Sensei can't stop this. "Please, anything but that." Sans pleads.

"Comic Sans..." Izuku says with obvious anger in his words. "Confirmed kills, seventeen thousand eight hundred thirty four. For such a young person, you sure do get around don't you?" He squeezes Sans' neck tighter, causing Sans to wince from the pain.

Tears fall from Sans' eyes. "Yeah, I killed a lot of people..." He closes his eyes. "Kill me, please..." He cries. Sans has felt his sins for so long, almost like they're crawling on his back. He can't take it anymore...

Izuku sighs. He cracks his neck and says "With pleasure." He lifts his fist. "I've wanted to do this for so long now... You deserve this."

"I know..." Sans sobs. "Just end it."


Will Izuku kill Sans, or no? Will someone get in the way, or not? Will Izuku have a sudden change of heart, or will he go through with killing Sans? What do you guys think? Side note, I really need a new phone. Half of my screen is cracked, and black dots are starting to show up... Oh well.  Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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