--Season 2-- Chapter 19: Agreement

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Sans lets out a sigh. "ERROR... we need to talk." He's currently laying in his bed. Recovery Girl told him to take it easy, so he's been in bed most of the day. He also hasn't been going to class for a couple weeks, but he starts again  next week.

He closes his eyes, and when he reopens them, he's standing right in front of ERROR. ERROR's black hair flows smoothly, and the red highlights at the ends shine. A part of Sans wants to ask him how his hair is doing that when there is no wind, nor any light. On the other hand, he just wants to get this conversation over with.

"Ww-What-t-T do you WaN-nT?" ERROR asks with an annoyed voice. He gives Sans a glare that sends shivers down his back. Sans clears his throat. He just needs to pretend that he isn't scared of ERROR.

Sans gulps, and says "I want to talk to you about you, and me." ERROR sighs, but before he can respond, Sans has a quick question. "Also, about that thing you do when you talk. Is that like something you have to do, or..."

"No, I don't have to, I just l-LiKE iT." ERROR says with a yawn. "So-O, wha-At was it that YoU wANTeD t-t-To talk about?"

Sans grits his teeth. This conversation could go very wrong, but he has to go through with it. "I want us to make an agreement." ERROR suddenly seems much more interested in the conversation.

"What?" He tilts his head in confusion. He also stopped doing that weird voice thing he does. "What kind of agreement?"

Sans grins and says "I want you and I to become a team." He looks at ERROR and his smile becomes even bigger.

ERROR chuckles and says "Really? wha-a-At are you getting at? Why in the WOrL-l-ll-Ld would I join YO-O-ou?" Sans' smile in turn becomes more sinister.

"You know, if I die then you might die too... What are your thoughts on bribery?" ERROR's eyes widen and he begins to shake his head in disbelief.

"You... You wouldn't." He takes a step back. "You wouldn't dare." He begins to pull some cables out of his eyes, but Sans has a plan.

Sans yawns and says "If you attack me... Well..." Sans summons a sharp bone and puts it up to his neck. "I'll take my life. You know what happens then."

"Okay, okay!" ERROR exclaims. "Don't kill yourself! Please." For once, ERROR is feeling pure terror. Sans has him trapped. If ERROR doesn't team up with Sans, then everyone dies. He can't try stopping Sans either.

Sans chuckles and says "Glad you understand. Now, I need to leave. I'm going to go check on Izuku. Remember our little arrangement, okay?" ERROR slowly nods. Although he doesn't like it, ERROR knows that he can't do anything about Sans' threat.

Sans closes his eyes again, and he's back in bed. He slowly gets up, and grabs his crutches. After several minutes of trying to get to the door, Sans calls Aizawa Sensei, who gladly gives him a ride.

Once Sans makes his way to Izuku's room, he can't believe his eyes. Izuku is awake, but he doesn't seem to be okay. Tears fall from his eyes as he looks at his arms. Sans walks into the room, but is immediately yelled at by Izuku.

"Comic you bitch!" Izuku yells. "Stay the fuck away from me!" He holds his shoulders and cries. "You did this to me! You did it!" Sans tilts his head in confusion. What is Izuku talking about?

Then Sans notices All Might standing by the bed. He shakes his head. "Young Midoriya here... He lost his quirk somehow. He... He thinks it's your fault."

Izuku then says weird things, such as "I'm not worthy..." And "It doesn't matter..." He looks at Sans and says "You..."

All Might looks at Sans and says "Can we talk in private? You and me?" His loud, booming voice no longer sounds happy. Instead, it's filled with sadness. Sans nods, and the two of them leave the room.

"So... What do you mean by he lost his quirk? How does that happen?" He looks at All Might with a look of worry. All Might just sighs.

The large man says "Look, Midoriya got his quirk... From me." Sans' eyes widen. This doesn't make any sense. How in the world did Izuku get his quirk from the number one hero?

"How?" Sans asks. "That doesn't even make any sense." All Might gulps. Whatever it is he has to say, it's definitely a sensitive subject.

"My quirk, is called One For All. It's a stockpiling quirk... That can be passed to someone else... With every new user, the quirk becomes more and more powerful." Sans is shocked. A quirk that can be passed down? That makes no sense.

"Then, why can he no longer use it?" Sans asks. "If the quirk is his now, then why can't he use it?" He has many more questions, but they can wait.

All Might grits his teeth and says "It rejected him..." He looks as Sans and says "My power did not fully transfer to young Midoriya. If it did, then I wouldn't have been able to use it at all. However, I was still abel to fight crime nearly everyday."

"Okay, but that doesn't answer my question." Sans says, annoyed with All Might for not giving him a straight answer. Instead, All Might is beating around the bush. "Why can't Izuku use it?"

All Might sighs. "He can't use it because of his actions. The quirk is meant to be used for good, but... He didn't use it that way." He takes a deep breath and says "It is my belief that the previous users of my power, are all a part of the quirk. I think that they rejected him, and forced the quirk out of his body."

Sans gulps and says "So... What are you going to do now?" He looks at All Might. "Are you going to find someone else?"

All Might looks at Sans and says "I already have an idea of who I want to have it..." He smiles, but Sans cuts him off.

"I refuse." All Might's smile falters slightly, and he looks at Sans with a confused expression.

"Pardon?" He says. "What do you mean you refuse?"

Sans smiles and says "I'm not worthy of your power. I'll help you search for someone else, but I will not accept it. Understand?"

All Might sighs. "Fine. I understand a no when I hear it. Thanks anyway young Comic."

Sans yawns. "Alright, glad we agree on that. Goodbye All Might. See you in class." Sans uses his crutches and hobbles his way out front, where Aizawa Sensei is waiting for him. Aizawa drives him home, where he makes his way to his bed, and drifts off to sleep.


Alright, the second last chapter is published. This Saturday I'll be publishing the finale of Season 2. Thank you guys for reading this far into my story. I appreciate it a ton. Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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