--Season 2-- Chapter 5: The Return

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"Where... Am I?" Sans slowly opens his eyes. He's unable to see anything in the dark room that he seems to be in. He tries to sit up, but is unable to do so.

"Don't bother." Dabi's voice can be heard from... Somewhere. "Mr. Handsy has you on lockdown. You can't get out of here on your own."

Sans tries to look around, but his head won't move. In fact, his entire body seems unable to move. "Where are you? Who are you?"

A blue light appears right above Sans. He looks up to it and sees Dabi on a platform above him. "Yo." The stapled male chuckles.

"Why do you seem... So familiar?" Sans blinks. Looking at the bright flame is odd for his eyes, which are now adjusted to the dark.

"Well, I go by Dabi now. Do you remember me?" He smiles slightly. "Probably not. You know what, nevermind. The boss is here anyway."

"Wait, don't go. I need answers!" Sans tries to use his telekinesis to stop Dabi, but instead of Dabi being stopped, Sans is electrocuted.

Sans feels tired. He should just give up. It's easier that way... His eyes feel heavy, but just as he's about to close them, he feels a sharp pain go through his arm.

"Hi Sansy~ Did you miss me?" Chara's here? Why? Sans grits his teeth. He can't see it, but he knows that there's a knife in his arm. He can smell the inhuman blood coming from his body.

"Chara! Why would you do that to him!?" A sweet, innocent voice is heard. "Just because he beat you up last time you saw him, doesn't mean you can hurt him like that!"

"Yeah, no fair!" An immature girl's voice adds in. "I wanna stab him too! He looks so cute when he's bleeding..."

"Why?" Sans cries. "Why are you doing this to me?" The tears continue to stream from his eyes.

"Because you're my property." A door opens, revealing Tomura. Light comes into the room as a light switch is flicked on. This reveals Chara, Frisk, a young girl with a knife, a tall male with blonde hair and a strong build, and a blonde male teen with earbuds in his ears.

 This reveals Chara, Frisk, a young girl with a knife, a tall male with blonde hair and a strong build, and a blonde male teen with earbuds in his ears

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Tomura smiles wickedly and chuckles. "Do you like your new area? Personally I think it's a great improvement from the chamber you used to live in."

Sans now realizes why he can't move. He's been strapped in, with anti quirk constraints. If he tries using his quirk at all, he'll be electrocuted...

"Now, on to business..." Tomura looks over to the tall man. "Muscular, pull that lever. Gently please."

"Ha! Sure." Muscular goes towards the lever that Tomura pointed at. He pulls it up.

"What the HELL!?" Sans begins screaming in pain, as something seems to be flowing through him. "What are you doing to me!?"

"Relax. We're just bringing back your true power. It won't hurt us at all, you on the other hand..." Tomura's smile grows even wider as he says this. He's clearly enjoying the suffering of Sans.

"Is he gonna be okay!?" Frisk shrieks. She looks on in horror as Sans' body begins to emenate a blue and white aura, which surrounds him entirely.

"He'll be more than okay, he'll be unstoppable!" Tomura exclaims. "He's perfect! I missed this toy of mine for so long!"

With a ear shattering scream, Sans breaks out of his constraints. Tomura then goes to explain the final detail to this experiment. "Oh, also. This will turn you into your old, killing self."

Smoke and steam is all over the room. Everyone moves out of the room in a hurry, and they can hear glass shattering. Finally, Sans steps out of the room. He seems different though...

"What have I been doing all this time?" Sans says as he cracks his neck. "I can't believe how stupid I've been." His eyes show only one emotion. Hate.

"Show me what you got Sans." Tomura orders. In response Sans nods and puts up his hand. A Gaster Blaster forms and fires off a beam of energy. In an instant, the wall is disintegrated.

"Perfect!" Tomura claps his hands. "You seem almost as strong as before!" He then motions for Sans to come with him.

Sans and the rest of the villains go up to the bar, where Dabi, Kurogiri, and a knockoff Deadpool that goes by Twice are already waiting. There, Tomura explains the plan.

"Dabi, Muscular, Toga, Twice, Chara, and Frisk. You all are going to be members of the League of Villains Vanguard Action Squad. King, you will also." King seems to be the name of the blonde teen from earlier. He nods in agreement and puts his ear buds back in.

"Sans. You will be the leader of this group. Understand?" Tomura looks over to Sans, who just gives a thumbs up. "Great, we act in three days. When class 1.A. is at camp."

Meanwhile, Kyouka has just been brought back to class 1.A.. She's been welcomed back into class with open arms, and yet she doesn't even care. She just wants to be with Sans again. She wants to help him.

"Hey Jirou, wanna come hang out with us after school?"

"No, I'm fine..."

Eijiro on the other hand, hasn't gone to class for the past 3 days. He's depressed now. How could he want to kill Sans? What has he done?

He wishes he could make everything better, but he just can't..

Finally, Izuku. Izuku still hates Sans. Maybe even more now. He wants his revenge, but can't seem to get it. What's he doing wrong? He doesn't know.

Things are about to happen. Dangerous things. Bloody things. Sans and Izuku will get their battle soon. That much is inevitable.

Who will come out on top? Izuku, the aspiring hero that fights with hate and power, or Sans, the forced villain that fights with no emotion whatsoever? Only time will tell. One thing is for sure though, neither fighters will see what's coming next.

The time is coming! Izuku vs Sans is so close to happening, and I can't wait to write the fight! Sans has been manipulated, and Izuku is still being a jerk. Anyways, criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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