Chapter 10: Nomu --Season 1 Finale--

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"What can I do for you?" The skeleton chuckles a bit before saying, "Oh, and my name's Comic Sans." He gives a little wink, to which Dust returns with an eye roll.

Sans smiles as he looks at the skeleton. He then realizes that them both being called Sans would get confusing, so this guy needed a nickname. "Two things. One: My name is also Comic Sans, so for simplicity sake I'm gonna call you... Aha! Skelly!"

"Skelly?" The skeleton looks at Sans awkwardly. "But. But. Fine... You can call me Skelly..." Skelly sighs and shakes his head. "I'll get used to it eventually..."

"Alright, now 2: I want you to give me control of our body now." Sans looks at Skelly with a determined look on his face. "I have a score I need to settle with the League of Villains."

"Okie dokie. I'll just stay here with Dust I guess." Skelly yawns, and looks over at Dust. "Oh, and Dust, sorry about trying to kill you earlier. No hard feeling right?"

"Dust scoffs. "Yeah, you only seriously hurt me and almost killed me. I don't see any issues with that." He rolls his eyes again.

"Okay, great to see that you don't have a bone to pick with me!" Skelly chuckles, which is met with Dust screaming something about him being surrounded by idiots.

Sans closes his eyes, and when he reopens them, he's back in reality. He looks around, and sees mist of the villains being teleported away by Kurogiri. That was fine, Sans didn't care much about them anyway.

"Kill them all Nomu!" The blue haired teen screams. "Leave no one but the Failed Test Subject!" The odd creature with an exposed brain starts to run towards the students, clearly with the intention of killing them.

Sans flinches at the teens words. "Damn Tomura... You never change do you?" He lifts his hand and fires off two Gaster Blasters towards the villain, but the blasts are blocked by the Nomu, which jumped back to its master in order to protect him.

"This Nomu is even more powerful than you!" Tomura laughs maniacally. "You can't even hope to defeat it!"

Sans looks around and tears start coming from his eyes. "I can't... If I do then..." He looks back and is met with the fist of the Nomu. Blood flies through the air and Sans is sent flying.  He slams into nearby fountain and water begins to rain down onto him.

"Good job Nomu, now deal with the rest!" The Nomu turns to walk towards the other students, but is met with a point blank explosion from Katsuki.

"DIE!!!" Katsuki screams as he begins creating more and more explosions. Caught off guard, the Nomu actually takes damage, and is even pushed back a little bit.

"No... Stay away from that thing, you can't win! Not against something like... Not against something like that thing!" Sans attempts to get up, but can't manage to.

"Yeah yeah! Whatev--!" Katsuki snaps at Sans, but this gives the Nomu just the right moment to get its hands on the explosive teen. The Nomu grabs Katsuki, and is about to crush him, when it's suddenly blaster with a wave of ice. Shouto Todoroki has arrived.

"Sorry I'm late to the party." Shouto says in a monotone voice. "I was busy getting information on these villains' plans. They're here to kill All Might, and to get Comic."

"I won't let them do either!" Izuku exclaims as he jumps out from the water and punches the Nomu, the impact of his fist creates a large shockwave, but doesn't seem to faze the hulking beast. On the bright side though, Izuku's arm wasn't broken either.

"My arm's not broken!" Izuku smiles as he realizes that his arm is fine. Then he remembers he's in the middle of a fight and manages to barely jump out of the way from one of the Nomu's fists.

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