Season 2 Teaser

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Above is the opening for season 2

I hate them all...

Sans limps through a dark alley in the middle of the city. He looks behind him and sees Kyouka following closely behind him.

She's the only one that cares...

"You didn't have to follow me." Sans sighs, he turns his head back to the path ahead. His steps, as well as Kyouka's echo as their feet step onto the hard ground.

"I couldn't let you run off on your own! Plus your considered a criminal now, so I have to keep you safe!" Kyouka nervously exclaims as she starts walking faster in order to catch up to Sans.

Months have passed, and Sans and Kyouka are running. They don't turn to look at what they're running from, as they're too scared to do so. Sans is loosing blood quickly from the multiple, and his arm is twisted in an awkward angle. Kyouka doesn't look much better, as she has a large gash across her forehead, and has a hole going straight through her shoulder.

"Come back Sans~" Chara's voice echoes around the two young teens. "I just wanna play with you~"

But she isn't safe with me...

Sans and Kyouka continue to run, until they eventually reach a dead end...

Suddenly, Sans isn't being chased anymore. He's on the ground, still bleeding out, and slowly dying.

"I hate you Comic..." Izuku is seen standing above a bleeding Sans. "You killed Kacchan, it's only right if you meet the same fate..."

God damnit Izuku, your such a hypocrite...

Izuku lifts his fist, and brings it down onto Sans' face, ending his life.

Sans' eyes open and he bolts up. He looks around and all he sees is a sleeping Kyouka, and the alley the two of them have been hiding out in.

"It was... Just a dream?" Sans lays back down onto the cold, hard ground. "But it felt so real..."


Season two is coming! I'm gonna take this week off when it comes to this story, my other stories will still get updated though. The firsts chapter for season two will be on Saturday, March 27th (Which is also my birthday, so the chapter will be like a birthday present from myself). Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks!

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