--Season 2-- Chapter 10: Boom Goes The Dynamight

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"I lived bitch." The familiar voice says to Izuku. The smoke from all of the explosions fades away, and the cause of them is revealed.

"Kacchan?" Izuku's expression softens. "You're alive?" He says as he looks at Katsuki Bakugou, who up until now had been assumed as dead. "I... I don't understand."

Katsuki sighs. "Look, just stop fighting. There's no need." He says as he pats Izuku's shoulder and walks over to Sans. Sans is speechless as Katsuki walks to him and offers to help Sans up. "Want some help?"

Sans slowly nods and takes Katsuki's hand. Katsuki pulls him up and looks over to Izuku. "Deku, Comic isn't the enemy, the League of Vill—".

"Liar!" Izuku screams. "Even if you're alive, that doesn't change the fact that everyone else is dead, and it's all because of him!" Tears form around Izuku's eyes as he pours out his thoughts. "If I avenge them, then they will finally be able to rest in peace!"

"Deku, I didn't think they would want that! They don't want reven—".

"Shut up!" Izuku cuts Katsuki off for the second time. "I need to do this. If it's the last thing I do, I will avenge my friends! Why are you siding with him!?"

Izuku stops crying, and begins to laugh. He laughs uncontrollably, and then glares at Sans and Katsuki. "I get it. You actually think I'm in the wrong, don't you?! Fine..." Green energy begins to flow like electricity around Izuku. He points at Sans and says "I will kill him. You can't stop me."

Izuku lunges for Sans, but is quickly stopped by an explosion from Katsuki. "Deku, you don't want this fight." Katsuki cracks his neck and sighs.

"Oh, I think I do." Izuku says as he regains his footing and jumps at Katsuki.

"Your funeral." Katsuki uses a small explosion to dodge Izuku's fist. He then releases a point blank explosion, sending Izuku flying. He then uses another explosion to propel himself up to Izuku. He grabs Izuku by the face and releases another explosion, slamming Izuku into the ground.

Just as Katsuki stands up, he's instantly hit from behind. Izuku managed to stand up and run around Katsuki within a single moment. He kicks Katsuki in the back, pushing him into the ground.

Izuku then goes to punch Katsuki, but the walking bomb rolls over and uses two smaller explosions to push himself up. He grabs Izuku's hair and flips over him. Then he lifts Izuku into the air and makes another large explosion. Izuku's face begins to bleed all over, and Katsuki drops him.

"Great job firecracker!" Sans weakly calls out to Katsuki. He receives a glare from Katsuki in return. Due to the glare, Sans nervously chuckles and audibly gulps.

"You're a lot stronger than before Deku. If I was like I was before, than you would have beaten me easily. Too bad for you I guess." Katsuki stops glaring at Sans and instead gives him a thumbs up.

"I'm not done!" Izuku screams as he jumps into the air and kicks Katsuki in the face. Katsuki is unfazed, and he just spits out some blood and grabs Izuku by the leg.

"Stay down!" Katsuki slams Izuku into the ground and releases another explosion, pushing the green haired teen into the ground. Katsuki pins Izuku and exhales. "You can't beat me."

Izuku tries getting up, but is just pushed back down by multiple smaller explosions. "Don't even think about it."

Suddenly, multiple lights are shined onto everyone in the area from above. Looking up, Sans can see many helicopters circling them. Many heroes jump down from them and land on the ground below. "Attention villains. You are under arrest! Surrender peacefully, or we will be forced to resort to violence."

Sans looks up, and sees King in one of the helicopters. He's cuffed and has a muzzle over his mouth.  He waves to Sans from his seat in the helicopter.

Before long, the League of Villains Vanguard Action Squad is captured. Six of them managed to escape, though. The six that escaped are Muscular, Twice, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Toga and Chara.

Sans sighs as he's brought into one of the helicopters. He's given a muzzle, and is seated right next to King. The two of them play rock paper scissors for the entire fly. Eventually, they arrive at Tartarus. The top prison for the most dangerous villains.

Sans is kept in Tartarus for weeks, along with King, Dabi, and Katsuki, who got dragged into Sans' problems due to him fighting Izuku.

Eventually, Sans, as well as the other three, are all brought into an interrogation room. The people interrogating them being All Might and Nezu.

"Hello there. I hope you're finding Tartarus at least somewhat welcoming." Nezu begins. "So how's your day going?"

"Cut to the chase." Katsuki says. "What's going on here?" He demands as he leans back in his chair.

"Well..." All Might says in his loud, powerful voice. "After doing some research, we believe that you four have the potential to become heroes."

"Indeed." Nezu nods. "Comic Sans, Bakugou Katsuki, Imasuji King, and Todoroki Touya. We believe you four have a chance at redemption, so we're giving you all another chance."

Sans looks over at Dabi with wide eyes. Did Nezu just say Todoroki Touya? Dabi grits his teeth in annoyance.

"Todoroki Touya is no more. I am Dabi." Dabi snaps. "And I refuse. I don't want another chance."

"This isn't up for debate." Nezu says. "You do will go to Yuuei High with Class 1.A.." He hands them some papers and pulls out some shock collars. "Those papers Contain all the info you will need, and you will have to wear these."

The collars are put onto the four inmates, and then all of them are taken out of Tartarus. They all take a long trip over to Yuuei High. Sans sighs as he looks up at his old school. "This is gonna be just great."


Two uploads in one day!  I really wanted to write this chapter, and I just couldn't wait, so I started typing away as soon as I could. Just to confirm, this does not mean that I'm going to start doing several chapters per week every week. I will publish one chapter every Saturday, and any extras will be done only whenever I feel like it. Anyways criticism is welcomed as always. See ya folks.

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