Chapter 1: The Prodigy

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"So right now I should be giving you all forms to help figure out what you want to do for your future, but why bother?"

In the back of a classroom, a messy white haired boy is sleeping peacefully. Completely ignoring the teacher, and tuning out the entire class. He lightly snores as the teacher talks to the class.

"C-comic? You should p-probably get up, you might wanna hear this..."

These words come from a friend of the white haired boy, his name is Midoriya Izuku. He has messy green hair and freckles. Other than that, he looks like just another ordinary person.

"Fine... I'm up..." A tired voice comes from Comic. "And I thought I told you to call me Sans."

"W-well I-I-I guess I j-just forgot. S-sorry..." Midoriya looks down frowning.

"No problem Izuku, now what's the teacher talking about?"

They snap their attention back to class and everyone is looking at them and their teacher looks pissed.

"How about NO talking while I'm trying to tell you all something!!!"

"S-sorry!/You're right Teach, I'll shut up now." They both say as the teacher sighs.

He grabs a stack of papers and continues. "Now as I was saying, I should be giving you all forms about deciding your future, but what's the point?"

As the teacher says this some students begin to activate their quirks. All except for Midoriya, Comic, and another kid with blonde hair that looks like he's about to kill someone.

"You're all clearly going for the hero course!" The teacher says as he throws the papers in the air.

The blonde smiles as the teacher continues. "Now now, you all have amazing quirks, but no using them in school. Oh, and it says here that Bakugou is going to try to get into Yuuei, kinda makes sense with your quirk and all..."

The blonde, or Bakugou Katsuki stands up with a grin. He stands on his desk as he prepares for what appears to be a speech.

"That's right, I'm going into Yuuei and I'll be the only one from this pathetic school to do it. I'm the best and no one can even stand clo-"

"Oh, Midoriya and Comic. You two are also gonna try out for Yuuei High." The teacher casually cuts of Bakugou with a bored expression.

Bakugou slowly turns his head towards Izuku. Explosions are going off in his palms and he has a scary glare on his face.

"DEKU!!! What does he mean you are gonna try out there!?!?"

"Kacchan I-I d-didn't mean t-to of-f-ffend you, I-!" Midoriya cowers before Bakugou leaps at him and the teacher pretends that he isn't paying attention as he pulls out some popcorn from under his desk.

However, as the walking bomb is about to reach him, he stops midair and a blue aura surrounds him.

"I always knew you had an explosive personality but even I never expected this."

"YOU FUCKING PUN MAKING BI-" He is about to start some rant about what he's gonna do to Comic when he gets out of the telekinesis, but his teeth are fused together by one of Comic's other quirks.

"This just blows I can't believe you still get angry at things like Izuku trying to achieve his dream. Such a shame."

"Now kids remember no quirk usage in school." The teacher says as he finishes his popcorn. Sans drops Bakugou and fixes his teeth.

"Aight Teach, if ya say so." Sans replies.

The rest of the day goes by quickly, and Sans is now walking home. He walks for about an hour, before he hears an explosion quickly followed by several others.


Sans runs toward the explosions holding his breath as he does in order to pause time. When he gets there he is shocked at what he sees.

"Kacchan!!!" He sees Izuku running towards what he thought was the cause of the explosions, a sludge villain. But then he notices the familiar explosive teen that is being held hostage. Bakugou...

Izuku runs toward the villain and throws his bag at the toxic waste. "Take this!"

Sans can't hear what they're saying, but he notices tears coming from his friend.

"I should help them..." Sans is about to go to help them when he feels a huge burst of wind go by him. He instinctively holds his breath and freezes time, noticing All Might about to punch the villain.

"Shit! What about the bystanders!?"
Sans stops holding his breath and at the last second, creates a shield of bones and pulls the civilians behind it with Telekinesis.

"Detroit... SMASH!!!!" All Might says in a booming voice as he punches the villain, completely scattering him. The shield that Comic made barely holds up to the shock and ends up having several cracks and even some holes in it.

Sans sighs as he lets go of the shield and prepares to leave when he's stopped by some random hero he's never heard of. He has red hair and blue eyes, he is also rather tall.

"Hey, kid! What you did just now was illegal!" The hero said with an annoyed look on his face.

"No it wasn't." Sans said with a smile.

"Pardon?" The hero says with a confused expression on his face.

"Trust me, I used to study to become a judge. The law states, that using a quirk to harm anyone or anything, is illegal. I didn't harm anyone, I protected them. Oh and you have some sludge on your shoulder."

"..." The young hero looks at his shoulder and blinks. There was sludge on his shoulder, and this kid was right. He couldn't believe that this... This child just made him look stupid.

"See ya later, uhhh???" Sans just remembered that he was talking to someone he's never heard of.

"... Call me Touya..." The hero says as Sans gets ready to go.

"Okay, see ya later Touya." Sans walks off with a grin on his face. He had a feeling that he would see Touya again someday. He couldn't wait to see what would happen when he did.

Later that night, Sans was watching the news when the sludge villain became the topic of conversation.

"We will now be discussing the topic of the Sludge villain, a powerful villain that attacked a young teen earlier today..." The reporter goes on and explains what they knew about the incident.

"The most memorable individuals from this incident would have to be the hero, All Might who defeated the villain and changed the weather in the process, Bakugou Katsuki who was the hostage, and another young teen that from what we gathered, goes by Comic Sans. This child is a prodigy! According to novice hero Todoroki Touya, Comic saved several of the civilians from the backlash of All Might's powerful attack by using not one, but two powerful quirks. For all we know, he could have used more."

Sans takes a big yawn. "This lady talks a lot." He continues to watch the report all the way through.

"We hope to see you again!" The reporter ends with a sigh.

Sans can't believe what he just saw. "Are they seriously going to ignore what Izuku did?! He probably saved Katsuki's life!"

Even though he's frustrated, Sans can't help but let sleep overtake him as he slowly falls to sleep on the couch. In his sleep, he dreamt of himself, but... Different. More aggressive and angry. He hopes he never becomes like that. It's not what his brother would have wanted.


So there it is! The first chapter of The Punny Hero. I hope you enjoyed it and I think I've decided on a posting schedule. I think I'm going to post one chapter every Friday and every other Sunday. Other than that, I don't have much to say. See ya folks.

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